Chapter 13 Death's Sting

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Sal had thought death would hurt, he'd imagined feeling untold amounts of pain and agony, coupled with the most precious moments of his life flashing before his eyes in red, as though it was an incentive, something that would numb the pain that came with death's sting.

But as the butt of the trident stabbed through his heart and the realization that Casmir had died settled in his mind he felt nothing, he'd had no flashback of precious times past, had only strained to keep his eyes open, to keep the darkness from engulfing him, until, eventually, the world became nothing but that darkness of which he had desperately strained against.

Not yet Salome, different voices echoed, the sounds coming as though from a distance, not for a very long time.

Then there was a singular, more familiar voice.

I am not gone Sal, I'm holding on, if anyone can bring me back, it's you.


Light flooded Sal's vision in an instant, air filled his lungs in one desperate rush and he gasped as each of his senses, both magical and physical, began to work. The trident still stuck out of his chest, the point in his heart sizzling as if it stood in lava. Sal grabbed the shaft and pulled the trident out of his heart, gasping once again as his mark burned and the wound seamed to a close, as soon as it did, everything became clearer.

Cas was dead, Sal understood that much and it hurt like hell, but he needed to find the others, he needed to make sure they were okay.

He turned in time to see the last Atlantian walking towards the rest who huddled over what was no doubt Casmir's remains, they all looked so heartbroken, so unaware of the danger that moved towards them.

Sal rose desperately to his feet, forgetting about Kyrona and simply running to the others, he was conscious of the fact that he held no weapon, but deep down he knew that he didn't need a weapon if he was to protect his friends, for that was what these people had become to him, they had become his friends.

He yelled in rage as he got to the Atlantian and grabbed them with his hands, the Atlantian's body shuddered with shock in Sal's grasp, a glyph shone in the back of Sal's mind, the image of a circle of fire, and with a burst of will Sal let it shine through, and immediately the Atlantian burst into black flames, screaming and wailing until even the water it was formed from became nothing but wisps of grey vapour.

The fire continued to burn for a while until Sal let out a deep breath and it died down, he'd done it, he didn't know how but he'd done it, he'd protected them.

The sound of clapping resounded behind Sal and he turned to see Neptune standing there looking gleefully at him, Antony simply looked at Sal with surprise and the slightest trace of partially concealed fear.

"Quite a show you've put on Salome, I must say your display of glyph magic is truly unfathomable" Neptune said.

"Father, he isn't supposed to be able to use magic here, it's supposed to be impossible." Antony said.

"He is a Nightshade, they specalize in doing the impossible" Neptune replied, his eyes shining as he spoke, "he is so much like his mo..."

"You will not speak of her any longer" Sal said.

Neptune's eyes immediately flashed white.

"Would you mind saying that again child?"

Sal stepped forward, ignoring the warning in Antony's eyes and the brewing anger in Neptune's.

"I said you will not speak of my mother again, you will keep her name out of your fucking mouth, do you understand me?"

"Now you listen child.."

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