Chapter 5 Sins of the Sister

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The next day Sal headed out of his house early in the morning as he, Casmir and Katarina had agreed, he was wearing the armour Casmir had given him and Kyrona, which Sal had practiced with throughout yesterday, was strapped to his back, it's weight becoming familiar as Sal took an Uber to Luna Estate.

He'd had a hard time explaining to Lester where he'd been lately, Casmir had informed him that mortals were to remain completely oblivious when it came to the Other World, something about disrupting the Shade and possibly destroying the delicate division between human and inhuman, Lester had been fine with he was out with some new friends.

"Are you sure this is the place? it's off limits" asked the Uber driver.

Sal nodded with a smile and stepped out of the Uber, then watched as it drove away in a trail of dust.

He walked into the estate and made his way down to Katarina's house, as he walked he thought about the next person he was to find, someone named Bloomera Nephity, whoever that was Sal felt sorry for them, he imagined growing up with a name like that, it couldn't have been easy.

He made the turn and Katarina's house loomed up in front of him, she was standing there, wearing armour of her own, a short leather jacket, a black leather skirt and knee high boots, and leaning against the closed door.

Sal still couldn't get over how beautiful and dangerous she looked, her hair was in dark blue waves and two peculiar pins kept it in place, her black eyes shone with recognition as he approached and she smirked which made her eyes shine brighter.

"Hey," said Sal.

"Hey" said Katarina, she looked amused which puzzled Sal greatly.

"You look great," said Sal.

She chuckled and pushed against the door and walked up to him.

"You are the weirdest Shaded being I've ever seen, trust me that's a compliment," said Katarina as she sat on the front porch steps.

"Thanks," said Sal, as he sat beside her, she smelt like flowers and sunshine, a sweet scent that made Sal feel a little lightheaded.

"Can I ask you a question?"

She rolled her eyes as if expecting this and turned to him.

"No I don't have a boyfriend, no I'm not a lesbian and no, I won't be ready for a relationship, not in the next hundred years" said Katarina.

Sal widened his eyes and burst into laughter.

"Damn you're intense," he said.

Katarina blushed in embarrassment and punched him lightly on his shoulder.

"What made you think I wanted to ask you out?" asked Sal.

"I don't know, maybe because that's what all boys want" said Katarina.

"I get it, but Kat, I'm not all boys, I'm Sal, you can trust me to respect you," said Sal.

Katarina creased her brows in confusion as if searching Sal's eyes for an ulterior motive, then she shook her head and fiddled with the blue pendant on her neck.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" she said.

Sal hesitated, unsure of whether the question would upset her or intrigue her, but he asked anyway.

"What happened between you and Casmir?"

She frowned and turned away from him, her fingers tightened around her pendant and made her knuckles go white.

"I'm sorry I asked, it's just if we're going to spend a lot of time looking for these people and eventually finding this necromancer, I need to know who you guys are, I need to know who I'm working with" explained Sal.

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