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"Aww, my darling doesn't cry; you're such a brave boy like your dad!"

Bryan found himself standing inside the same cozy room. His mom was cooing his younger self to sleep, murmuring words that only she seemed to understand. He moved towards Lily, each step making him nervous, his senses reminding him within that she couldn't see him. "Mom, can you hear me?"

But to his surprise, Lily turned back with a startled look on her face. "Who are you? How did you enter my house?"

Bryan felt his heart thumping within himself. His mind urged him to wake up to reality, but his heart urged him to stay. Mom could speak to me! She can hear me!

Lily saw the boy before her with tears welled up in his eyes. Her eyes frantically searched for help, but something panged within herself, reminding her that the boy was harmless. "You called me mom, I believe?"

Bryan couldn't believe his eyes. Each and every word Lily spoke brought up goosebumps within him. It was almost as if he had forgotten what her voice felt like. "Oh, uh, forgive me, maam, but I'm quite lost here."

Lily gave out a huge smile, her eyes taking in the features of the boy before her. She looked to the sleeping child in her arms and to Bryan and gave out a quizzical look. "It's funny how you resemble my boy a lot. When Bryan grows up, he most probably will look like you."

Bryan felt like his throat was lumped together to produce an answer. He saw his younger self and gave out a sheepish smile. "I bet he would."

Lily giggled and placed the child on the bed. "I almost forgot. Are you hungry?"

The words struck him like lightning when Bryan remembered that he was still in his dream. "Maam, listen to me! You gotta run right now! Your life is in-"

Before he could complete it, the whole room started to swirl in front of him. Lily began to fade away, like the diffusing scent of a perfume. "Mom? Mom!"

Bryan awoke with a start, fresh air plunging through his lungs. His heart hammered at an increasing rate as his eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light around him. His ears caught up to the faint murmurs of what seemed like a curious crowd, and his brains frantically worked within to process everything.

Ethan looked toward the crowd and rolled his eyes. "Erm, he was just dreaming, ok? Now leave!"

The crowd slowly disappeared, each giving the duo a weird look. A man grunted from the crowd and helped disperse it. "Niños estúpidos!" Stupid children!

Bryan found himself sitting on a cobbled street filled with bustling people. He saw a furious Ethan sitting beside him, holding a book above his head. "Where is Tomás? Where are we, and, er, what are you doing?"

Ethan put down the book, anger lacing each and every nerve running across his face. "The Spanish and their stupid air service! When I woke up, I found both of us lying on the ground. I tried waking you up, but you were busy dozing off like a bull, and this stupid sun is burning my face!" He took the book and placed it above his face. "Not to mention I didn't bring my sunscreen!"

Bryan exhaled loudly but stopped midway when his eyes took in a gigantic structure before him. He pointed his finger towards it, excitement laced in his words. "Is that-"

Ethan grunted and got up. "Yea yea. Iglesia de San Pedro."

The Iglesia de San Pedro stood up high like a venerable sentinel, its majestic silhouette etched against the fiery sky. Towering spires rose towards the sky as if they were guarding the heavens, the weathered stone bearing the scars of a lifetime like badges of honor. Delicate traceries of Gothic design adorned every arch and alcove, and their intricate patterns shimmered like jewels in the bright light.

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