chapter 1

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When Lucifer fell from Heaven, he wasn't alone. You were with him.

"Luci! Wait up!" you giggled, chasing after your fellow young seraphim. You were a child, hardly capping the age of eight, and he was the same age as you. You were with him on the outskirts of Heaven, in an area surrounded by beautiful, glittering blue trees with abnormally long golden trunks that sparkled when they hit the eternal sunlight.

The boy laughed, his pale yellow tresses falling messily over his forehead. His older sibling, who you had met once or twice, usually maintained his wild hair, slicking it back and ensuring he always looked presentable. He was a seraphim, after all, like you, and he was held to a very high standard within the hierarchy of Heaven.

"Luci!" you called out again with an open-mouthed grin, your high-pitched youthful voice ringing melodically in the vast forest. Civilization began to disappear around you as you travelled deeper into the golden woods, chasing after Lucifer, your best friend.

"You can't catch me!" he taunted pridefully, dashing behind a very large tree. You grunted, focused, following him as quickly as you could manage. But he was a lot faster than you.

Then you saw something that made you stop.

A small yellow bird, with multiple eyes going down its neck and a broken halo around its tiny head. You watched as Lucifer, unaware, went further into the forest, anticipating you to continue after him. Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you halted completely, catching your breath as you stared at the creature.

There were many animals in Heaven, sure, similar to the ones on Earth (that you had heard stories about at least), but they looked vastly different than the ones you had only seen images of. They all had many eyes and much more extravagant appearances compared to humans' animals; this poor bird was a prime example.

"Why, hello, there," you muttered, kneeling down to the creature. It's wing twitched. It was hurt. "Did you fall?"

You looked around, spotting a broken golden limb on a tree. Huh. The bird must have been flying too fast and crashed into it. Interesting.

You allowed your ghostly slender fingers to run across its feathers in awe. It was in pain, twitching and shivering. It squalled in agony as you touched its wing.

Your eyes lit up.

Enthralled, you jerked your hand back curiously, before slowly lowering it again. You touched the bird's wing once more, this time more harshly. It screeched. The sound must have alerted Lucifer, for you could hear his pounding footsteps on the forest ground heading your direction. You didn't care though. You paid no mind to his approach.

Your pale pink eyes glowed in peaked interest as you slowly wrapped your hands around the bird's tiny neck. You applied gradual pressure. Nothing could die in Heaven, right? That's what the elders always said. Was it true?

The bird screeched in intolerable agony as you squeezed its throat, watching as the light drained out of its eyes, twitching and gasping for air. Its beady eyes bulged out of its skull.

"[Y/N]..!" You heard Lucifer call your name as he came closer. But you were in a trance. All you could focus on was making the bird suffer.

Two hands harshly grabbed your shoulders, pulling you back. You broke out of your spell, releasing the now deceased bird and turning back to Lucifer. He stared down in horror.

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