chapter 2

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Your eyes were trained on the brimstone wall of the dungeons of Lucifer's palace, bouncing your foot in boredom as a Sinner whimpered and wailed in the cell in front of you.

You brought a gloved hand to the bridge of your nose. "Kid, as delightful as your cries would typically be, please, shut the fuck up."

The Sinner wailed, clutching his hand and trembling on the ground. He beheld his missing fingernails, pried off by you earlier before, his hands twitching and shaking uncontrollably. You sighed deeply from your nostrils.

"It's enough that you weren't very helpful to me before," you murmured, staring at the figure before you in contempt. He had twisted blue horns with stripes, and a long, ugly face with sharp cyan teeth. "Now you have to get on my nerves with your insistent whining. I'm trying to think." You snapped.

"How...?" the man whimpered, backing himself slowly into the wall of his cage. "...How does the king let you... let you do this?" He buried his face in his knees, curling into a tight ball. "You're royalty. You're supposed... supposed to rule Hell, watch over people like me. And... and you're torturing me!"

You scoffed. "Please. Everyone with a brain cell in Hell knows my occupation behind the scenes of just being a Duchess. Even though I wipe you idiots' memories, that doesn't stop the rumors." You sighed. "I do Lucifer's dirty work so he doesn't have to worry about hurting his own people."

"But why..?" he cried.

You grinned, flashing your rows of white, razor sharp teeth. "Because I like it."

"What do you want from me?" he wailed defeatedly.

"I'm not allowed to kill you, unfortunately," you said, rolling your eyes. You switched your legs on the stool you sat on, growing restless. Your right hand fiddled with the whip coiled on your hip. "Lucifer's orders. He says to 'leave it to the Exterminators,'" you scrunched your nose in distaste. "Horseshit. What's the point of Sinners like you anyway? You're just taking up space." You clicked your tongue, staring down at his pathetic body. "Useless."

"I told you," he said, twitching. "I don't know anything about the Vees. I don't know anything!"

"You work for that walking television," you snapped, leaning forward. "Of course you know something. There's no point in trying to deny it, kid, just tell me the truth, and this will all go away."

There had been word of mouth that the Vees, as in Vox, the television creature, Velvette, the doll-like woman with a mouth on her, and Valentino, the hideous sex Demon, had plans for an uprising against the other Overlords. Which was fine, whatever. You didn't care if Overlords were at each others throats, if they killed each other. The issue was that it was rumored they planned to climb to much bigger heights than just Overlords.

You were the Duchess of Hell's court — you couldn't let the hierarchy be disrupted. It was your duty as Lucifer's right hand to ensure the peace.

"You think just because you used to be an angel you're better than all of us Sinners?" scoffed the man, tears pouring from his eyes like torrents. "You're not. You're... You're fucking crazy! A fucking sadist!"

"Well I'm not gonna deny that," you muttered. Your head turned as the door to the dungeons creaked open, a shadow descending the steps. You raised your brows, sensing his energy. It was Lucifer.

"Luci!" you said in delight, standing up and walking to him. Before you did, however, you shot the Sinner you had just spoken to a glare, one that made him shriek and scramble to the corner of his cell. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" You bowed.

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