chapter 6

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You couldn't believe your eyes.

You swallowed the rest of the champagne lingering in your mouth, burning as the liquid slid down your throat. You wiped the surprise of your face and your eyes formed into cat-like slits, a smile of superiority slowly crawling upon your lips.

So he's finally decided to come back to me, hm? you mused internally. Lovely. And he looked so... different. Sinners didn't age in Hell, but it's almost as if he looked older. When you met him, he was boyish, wimpish. But here...

He was matured and aged, with a strong jaw and a slim face, pointy nose and no facial hair, just smooth, gray skin. His lashes were dark and long for a man, almost making him appear deliciously feminine, a gracious touch to his otherwise handsome appearance.

He hadn't noticed you yet. He was smiling, his teeth golden behind his lips, and he was saying something to Charlie, his hands folded neatly behind his back. You peered over, trying to get a full look of him. He held a black cane with a microphone on top of it, and he wore a black and maroon suit with an ebony tailcoat. His body was covered head to toe, apart from his face, of course, even the collar around his neck reaching his jawline.

Your smile widened, curiosity overwhelming you. It had been decades since you had last seen him, since he had sold his soul to you, so needless to say, you were interested as to why he decided to make a grand appearance now of all times.

You felt a hand on your arm, and you forced your gaze away from Alastor and down to Lucifer. His expression took on a protective look, with deep-set brows and a strong frown.

"Who the fuck is that," Lucifer practically stated, a fatherly protectiveness overcoming his once giddy countenance. You chuckled, gently removing his hand from your arm.

"That," you said, gesturing over to Charlie and Alastor a few meters away, your gaze detaching from them for a moment. Lucifer, however, was staring at the spot, frozen in place, looking irritated. "Is-"

"Alastor!" said a new voice right in front of you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin to see the same deer-like man standing just a couple of feet away from you and Lucifer that you had just seen across the ballroom. He had teleported over there in a shadowy mist, in the blink of an unsuspecting eye. He grabbed Lucifer's cane, shaking it excitedly: "Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!"

Charlie caught up to Alastor, approaching the scene with a light jog. Her face brightened when she saw you, coming quickly over to you and embracing you.

"[Y/N]!" she exclaimed, and you rested a hand on her head, patting the slightly shorter girl. Your heart warmed. "Gosh, I am so sososososooooo glad to see you!" Still grinning, she let you go, looking up at you with sparkles in her eyes. "Ugh, I had the worst day yesterday and I've been soooooo-" she began to ramble, waving her hands around to gesture, "-stressed out recently and I have just missed you sososoooo much and-" she then stopped herself, her smile softening as she turned to Lucifer, "hi, dad. It's really good to see you too!"

Charlie then walked up to Lucifer, awkwardly pulling him into a hug. His eyes sparkled, his mouth dropping, his hands sprawled out in surprise. He then slowly hugged her back, breaking into a grin.

Meanwhile, as excited as you were to see Charlotte again, you couldn't help but stare at Alastor, who was wiping his hand on his coat after shaking Lucifers... cane.

Then, Alastor's gaze met yours.

"And who may you be?" he said, his sharp-toothed grin widening, his eyes narrowing. You tilted your head, smiling as well, as if to challenge him.

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