Chapter six: Life is blue

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    "We should go check on him..." Michael says looking at Gabriel, Raphael, and Azrael next to him.

    "Go nuts, I don't care" Azrael says, scrolling through his phone.

    "Well you're coming with me!" Michael says, dragging him all the way to in front of their younger brother's room. Knock. Knock. Knock.

    "Come in"

    Michael and Azrael quickly glance at each other before opening the door. They examine the room, there's four bottles of whiskey on the dresser and their brother has a half drunken bottle of the same liquid in his hand. Lucifer looks up at his older brothers

    "You're not Al... where's Alastor?" Lucifer blinks before taking another swig of Whiskey. Michael quickly teleports the bottle away from his brother.

    "Out" He answers sharply. Azrael hold a similar paper to Alastor's, he sighs and just tries to press around the paper. The paper makes a sound and he quickly looks down at it.

"Hello, Azrael" The deer sinner answers

"You're Dumbo husband drank like, How much, Mike?" Azrael pauses and glances at Michael

"Four and a half bottles" Michael answers as he is knelt down on the floor in front of his brother, whom is on the bed.

"Like 4 and half bottles of whiskey" Azrael quickly turns back to the paper.

    "Again? And he is NOT my husband!" Alastor responds quickly.

    "You literally have matching rings, admit it, you're married to the king of hell!" Azrael moves his hands

    "Fine" Alastor quickly replies

    "Anyways what I'm saying is, get back here and handle your wasted Husband"  Azrael says before "hanging up. Alastor shows up in less then five minutes, he must've ran or at least walked incredibly fast (not helping your "I'm just married for Charlie" case, there Al). He opens the door to Lucifer's old room aggressively, Michael and Azrael quickly glance up before teleporting away. Alastor sits down on the bed next to his Husband, and Lucifer immediately rests his head on Alastor's chest.

"Where were you" Lucifer stumbles through his words, anyone could immediately tell the king was drunk.

"Visiting one of my "Friends" from when I was alive" Alastor lies as his smile softens.

"You had friends when you were alive?" Lucifer looks up at the radio demon

"Asshole" The reply is met with immediate giggles from Lucifer.

"I love you"

"I tolerate you as well"

"Your eyes are really beautiful, Al"

"I know" Alastor closes his eyes before opening one and glancing down at Lucifer "Just kidding, dear, thank you"


"Goodnight" Alastor stares at the smaller man and sighs. He tries to get up, but Lucifer is just completely latched on to him. He gives up and just sits there, stuck with Lucifer clinging to him.

✥ With the Archangels ✥

"He got drunk already! What is wrong with him!" Jophiel bitches and moans, like usual. Michael places a hand in his forehead.

"He probably was just having a trauma response, he hasn't been here in over 10,000 years. If that was me, I would've probably drank at least a little bit too" Gabriel says, defending his brother.

"Yeah, that would make sense. He probably just needed a bit, yeah..." Chamuel mutters to himself. Michael and Azrael stare at the scene in front of them, a blue portal appears behind them and Leo steps out of it. Azrael immediately whips around and runs to hug his favorite sibling.

    "Heya Leo!" Gabriel waves. Leo returns the wave before glancing at the depressed looking Archangels around himself.

    "What has happened here? It looks like a funeral with the looks on everyone's faces" He questions in his usual monotone voice. The archangels exchange awkward glances before Michael speaks up.

    "We've invited Lucifer and his family for a meeting, he is here at the moment" Leo's eyes widen, he quickly glances around the room once more.

    "May I speak with him?" Leo asks, his eyes going back to their normal shape.

    "That is not the best idea at the moment" Azrael taps his index fingers together repeatedly awkwardly "He may have just pounded down 4 and half bottles of whiskey as a trauma response, and is most likely clinging to his husband as he sleeps right now"

✥ With Al and Luci ✥

    "Why is the sky blue on earth?" Lucifer frog blinks as he looks at Alastor, whom he is still clinging to. He had just woken back up, unable to sleep. Alastor looks down at him, looking awfully annoyed.

✥ Back with the Archangels ✥

    "Yeah, probably" Uriel nods her head. Leo blinks a few times before speaking.

    "You said family? Does he have children?" Raguel nods. "Would they be awake by chance?" Raguel nods again. "Then I shall speak with them" Leo declares before starting walk to walk to the Guest room, where he assumes these children or child would be.

    "WAIT! I'm coming with!" Azrael says, quickly catching up to the Archangel of life. They are polar opposites, Leo is life and Azrael is death, Leo shows little emotion while Azrael always expresses himself, but they are quite close no matter how different the duo is. They walk up the stairs, the walls are decorated with portraits of the archangels, a surprising amount of them had punched a hole through them or were destroyed in some other way after Lucifer's fall. Michael, Gabriel, Azrael, Uriel, and Chamuel all did this. Jophiel liked having her portrait on the wall, Raguel couldn't bring himself to destroy it, and Raphael and Leo wanted to respect the person who painted it, so the four didn't destroy their portraits. When they reach the top of the staircase, where the guest room resides, they're greeted by a family portrait. That portrait has the only true image of Lucifer left in heaven, he has a smile that could light up a room. Leo and Azrael quickly turn away from the portrait, they could never bring themselves to look at it, they walk to the guest room and Leo raises his fist to the door.

~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚~

Words: 1104

Heyyyy! Very excited I got to bring in Leo and delve into the Archngel's personalities more in this chapter! Sorry for my absence, I have just returned to school after a prolonged absence so I have quite a large amount of makeup work. Thank you for understanding.

Chapter title meaning: Referring to the entrance of Leo, whom is the archangel of life and his main color is Blue. This is also a reference to Lucifer's current state of mind and what he thinks of his life: Blue. Thus: Life is blue.

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!

-Sylveon (╹◡╹)♡

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