Chapter seven: Messenger

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    "Heyyy Char and Vag!" Azrael waves as his nieces open the door.

    "Hi uncle Azy!" Charlie returns the wave before he looks up at the figure next to Azrael. "Oh my GOSH! Are you my uncle Leo?" Her eyes sparkle, she recognizes him for the images of the archangels her Dad would show her. Leo nods calmly. "It is SO good to meet you! Now I've met all of dad's family! That is so exciting!" Charlie starts to hop slightly, Vaggie places a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

    "You haven't met everyone yet. I'm not sure how father is nowadays but I haven't seen him since..." Azrael thinks for a long moment "It was like two thousand years ago. He wasn't the happiest when I last saw him, not sure you would wanna meet him" He sighs.

    "Oh" Charlie pauses "That's okay! I'm glad I got to meet my Uncles and Aunt!" She returns to bouncing up and down.

    "Babe, calm down" Vaggie sighs, taking her hand off of her Girlfriend's shoulder.

    "Right Right, sorry hun" Charlie stops bouncing. Leo gives Azrael a glance, he nods in response, confirming his thoughts. Leo's usual deadpan turns to the smallest smile. "Okay, okay" Charlie breaths "Did you need anything else?"

    "Yes, may I come in?" Leo asks. Charlie and Vaggie move away from the door to let Leo and Azrael in.

✥ With the other Archangels ✥

The room is in complete silence. Michael start to fidget, with his sword specifically. He always has the sword on his belt, even though he hasn't used it in millenniums. His weapon used to be constantly upgraded, more dangerous, sharper, or just fixed after being broken. His last upgrade was just before Lucifer's fall. Michael's long subdued memories come back to him.

"What's this for, Sera?" Michael examined the new sword "This is a weapon that could kill elder angels, even those above you Sera"

"We have had a troublesome someone, Lucifer to be specific" Sera began

"No. No no no. Nope. I am not hurting Luci"

"It's orders from God. You cannot turn it down. Now, he has given Eve the forbidden fruit which has made a dark pit of sin, which is now being referred to as hell. Him and Lilith must be punished, on orders from god I have come up with a punishment. They shall stay in their pit of darkness" Sera responded. Michael stares at the sword in his hands, his eyes wide. The only person whose orders he couldn't ignore was his Father's and Jesus, but Jesus isn't one to give orders.

Michael glanced up, he saw a small Emily peaking around the corner. He quickly sheathed the sword and walks up to the little girl, before kneeling down next to her. She was merely a child at this time, she had just recently been created to bring joy to the people of Heaven. Michael started to connect the dots, Lucifer's job was to bring light and joy as well. Emily was created to be Lucifer's replacement. Michael's eyes widened as he looked up at Sera, she just turns away. Michael looked the small child, he opened  his arms and brought her close. He picks her up.

"How about I show you around? Hm?" Michael faked a smile

"ooooo! Yay! Yay! I would love to!" Emily cheered. Michael walked out of the room, a small tear ran down his cheek.

Michael comes back to it and looks around at the still quiet room. He continues to run his thumb along the engravings on the angelic weapon.

✥ With Leo, Azrael, Charlie, and Vaggie ✥

"I would like to know more about you and my brother" Leo states calmly. He sits on the bed, clasping his hands together as he looks at Charlie and Vaggie.

"Oh! Yeah of course! Soooo, dad and Lilith got married, then had me in like the 1800s, and then Mom and Dad had some trouble and then split, Mom left seven years ago, haven't seen her since by the way, and I opened a hotel to redeem sinners and get them into heaven, then we fought against the exterminators, and boom we're here!" Charlie explains in one sentence, taking not a single breath. Leo nods and continues to look at Charlie.

"Mhm, may I know more about my brother? I have been awfully worried about him since his fall" Leo blinks


✥ With the other archangels ✥

    "I must take my leave" Raphael says before disappearing with a small blue spark.

    "I as well" Chamuel disappears with a pink spark. The others nod and disappear with their specific color of spark, all but Gabriel at least. Jophiel has a purple, Raguel has white, Uriel has orange, Chamuel has pink, Gabriel has green, Leo has dark blue, Azrael has black, Raphael has light blue, and finally Michael has gold. When Lucifer was in heaven, his color was Red and you can still see it in his wings to this day. Gabriel stays with Michael

"Uhm... you okay, Mike?" Gabriel slowly walks to Michael and places a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine" Michael states, wiping away the tears the had started to pour down his face. He disappears in a gold spark, leaving Gabriel alone.

✥ With Charlie, Vaggie, Azrael, and Leo ✥

"Anddddd I think that is all I know" Charlie finishes her long account of her father's life after fall. Leo blinks slightly, summarizing the story in his head.

"That is concerning" Leo utters, his mouth has a small downward curve.

    "Yeah... but he's much better now! He been happier since we moved into the hotel!" Charlie smiles with a thumbs up.

"Yes! He has fit into the... uhm... atmosphere of the hotel quite well if I do say so myself!" Vaggie does a slightly forced smile.

✥ With Gabriel ✥

"Ughhh for heaven's sake!" Gabriel groans. He adjusts his glasses and looks at his small messenger bag, which he always has on him. The messenger bag has a scroll for him to deliver. This is the first time in eons he got one, Gabriel slides the scroll out and reads who he must deliver it to

"Oh absolutely wonderful! A message for father! Now I have to haul myself up to his little cloud thing or whatever and see him for the first time in two millennia! Wonderful!" Gabriel complains. He begrudgingly makes his way out of the room and down the stairs, once he reaches the outside, he flaps his wings and takes off.

~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚~

Words: 1164

Heyyyy! It's been a while, hasn't it? Apologies for that! I had some writer's block. Anyways, decided to do a split kinda thing with like switches between characters and places ig

Chapter title meaning: Referring to Charlie being the messenger to Leo and Azrael about their brother's time in hell and without them. And of course our favorite messenger's new mission at the end!

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!

-Sylveon (╹◡╹)♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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