Chapter 6.

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♡Clay pov♡

George was eventually discharged, and I took him home. He was wary about going into the house, and he refused to go into his room entirely.

"I'll get you some clothes to change into. Are you still tired?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay, we'll go to sleep after you change." I told him.

I went into his room and grabbed him new boxers and a pair of shorts. I knew he would want to wear one of my sweatshirts. I left his room and went back to mine. I handed him the clothes.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed." I said.

I walked to the door.

"Clay, please don't leave." He stated.

I stopped.

"Please." He begged.

"I won't leave if you don't want me to." I told him.

"Sorry. I'm just scared still. I don't wanna be alone." He said.

"There's no need to apologize." I replied.

He changed and climbed into my bed. I got into the bed as well. He crawled over me, resting his head on my chest. I began to play with his soft brunette hair.

"He's going to prison." George mumbled.

"Good." I stated.

He nodded.

"They told me at the hospital." He said.

"Do you remember being in shock?" I asked.

"Yeah. Some of it. I remember laying on my bed, not being able to move. People were talking to me, but I couldn't respond or show any sign I was listening. I remember them trying to make me walk, but I couldn't even hold myself up. I don't remember anything after that." He told me.

"They took you to the hospital and had to put you on a bunch of meds to get you responsive again. I was so worried about you." I said.

"Well, I'm okay now." He replied.

I smiled and gently kissed the top of his head.

"I'm so happy you're alright." I mumbled, holding him tight against me.

"I really like when you kiss me." He said quietly.

I felt that electricity all over my body again.

"Sorry. Was that weird?" He asked.

I quickly shook my head.

"No, I'll keep doing it if you like it." I told him.

He smiled and nodded. Once I had calmed myself, I leaned down and gently kissed his cheek.

This is the first time we've ever actually addressed the kissing. It had become something we did every day, but we never talked about it until now.

"Why do you like it?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"It just feels nice. You're so gentle. I like that." He told me.

I didn't know much about his home life in detail. I know his parents were abusive. So were mine, so I guess we're the same in that aspect.

"Well, I like it when you kiss me too." I stated.

"Why?" He asked.

"The same reason you like it when I kiss you. I never really talked to you about my home life, but it was similar to yours." I told him.

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