Chapter 26.

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♡George pov♡

I woke up, cuddling with Clay.

I must've cried so hard I fell asleep.

I got myself out of bed and into my wheelchair.

Damn it. I can't put on pants by myself.

I shrugged and left the room. I wheeled myself down the hall. I heard loud knocking. I went over to the door and opened it. I felt a gasp escape my mouth.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I mumbled.

I wheeled myself backward a bit.

"What happened, George? Why are you like this?" My mom asked, scanning my current state.

Bruised and in a wheelchair. I probably don't look great.

"You don't live alone, do you?" My dad asked.

I shook my head.

"I live with my boyfriend." I mumbled.

"Does he take good care of you?" My mom asked.

I nodded.

Why are they being so nice?

"George, love, who's at the door?"

I looked to see Clay walking over. He was shirtless and had clearly just woken up due to his squinted eyes and messy hair. He walked over to the door and stopped.

"Who are you?" Clay asked.

I could hear the defensiveness in his tone.

"We're George's parents." Mom stated.

"What." Clay deadpanned.

"I know we haven't been the best parents to you, Georgie, but we love you, and we want to try again. Will you let us come in and talk with you?" Mom asked.

I glanced at Clay and sighed.

"You can come in." I agreed.

Clay and I backed away from the door to let the older couple in. They stepped in and looked around the house.

"Wow. Lovely house you two have got." Dad admired.

This is weird. I don't like it.

"You guys can sit on the couch." I said.

They sat on the couch next to each other. Clay sat on the other one, and I wheeled my chair next to the armrest.

"So, what happened?" Mom asked.

Clay and I exchanged a saddened glance.

"Um, I was kidnapped. They tortured me. I'm in the chair for a couple of weeks until I start physical therapy." I told her.

"Kidnapped? Oh my god." Mom mumbled, covering her mouth with her hand.

I nodded and looked down at my lap.

"That's horrible, George. I'm so sorry you went through that." Dad said.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Why don't you introduce us to him? Is this your boyfriend?" Dad asked.

I nodded.

"His name is Clay." I told them.

"What a lovely name." Mom said.

"What do you boys do for a living?" Dad asked.

"I do tech stuff mainly. I answer calls all day and make website stuff for companies." Clay explained.

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