Chapter 22.

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♡George pov♡

I just stared at Clay as he held my face and cried. I didn't know what else to do.

"My pretty boy." He mumbled, pulling me into a hug.

I didn't hug him back. My whole body tensed up at the gentle touch.

"Let's get you out of here, okay? We'll take you to a hospital." He told me.

I don't need to go to a hospital. I'm fine here. What happened to the men? Why are they letting Clay hug me?

"I can't leave." I mumbled.

He pulled away from me, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because they don't want me to leave. That's why they broke my ankles." I told him.

"George, they're dead. All of them." He stated.

They can't be dead. They can't.

I pushed his hands off of me.

"You killed them?" I asked.

He nodded.

"George, they hurt you." He mumbled, reaching his hand back towards my face.

I slapped it, crawling back away from him.

"They didn't hurt me. They wouldn't hurt me. I've been good. I've been a good boy. They wouldn't hurt me." I rambled.

♡Clay pov♡

George had pushed himself into the corner of the room. He had his legs pulled to his chest. He had his head on his knees. He was quivering slightly.

"They don't hurt me if I'm a good boy. They were only doing what was right and you fucking killed them." He said angrily.

They were sobs escaping his throat. He lifted his head and reached for a filing cabinet. He opened the drawer and pulled out a needle. It had something in it.

"George, what are you -"

He stabbed it into his arm and injected it. He pulled it out and let the needle drop from his hand. I quickly went over to him.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

There was blood running down his arm.

"Come on. We need to go." I mumbled.

I reached for him, but he hit me until I backed away. I sighed. The door opened, and the other 5 came in.

"Someone else needs to carry him. He won't let me touch him." I said.

Salem came forward. I stood and went over to the group. Salem sat in front of George, talking quietly with him. George's body slowly became fully untense, and he agreed to let Salem carry him. Salem easily picked George up, and we left the room.

"Shit." Salem mumbled.

He looked to see George had passed out.

"He drugged himself. We need to hurry." I said.

We all quickly went towards the bunker stairs. We went up and ran into the woods. We got back to the car, and all got in. Sapnap slammed on the gas and sped down the road. George was pale and sweating.

"He needs to be okay. I can't take this." I mumbled.

Amber put a comforting hand on my back. We soon arrived at the ER. I pulled George out of the car and quickly went inside. Since we'd reported him as a missing person, they immidiantly took him down the hall as he would need surgery. I felt a panicking feeling in my chest and my vision started blacking out.

Mine. (DNF Vampire AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora