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Adrián's POV

You know, with me being a celebrity's daughter and all, you'd think I'd be used to the crowds surrounding us everywhere we go. Well, unfortunately, you would be dead wrong.

"Martín! Can I please just get one picture?"A fangirl yells. Directly in my ear, I might add.

"I'm not taking any pictures right now, I'm sorry," my dad says, while flashing an apologetic smile, that I could not tell was for me or for the uneasy crowd.

Either way, I just nod back to him. Even after my dad's previous statement, the crowd is still very much here and they're giving me claustrophobia. I mean, there's more people surrounding me than there are Dollar Generals in the south, and they have DEFINITELY never heard of personal space. I even think I can smell what someone had for breakfast, and let me tell you, it is NOT pleasant.

Despite my attention being almost fully on the crazy crowd, I feel my dad's hand on mine and he begins to lead us through this madness. We made it to the parking lot safely, surprisingly, and to my dad's Maserati.

"I'm sorry Adrián, for them ruining our day," my dad says as we get into the car.

"No it's okay," I reply, "but what's not okay is what some of those people had for breakfast and the lack of basic hygiene."

My dad chuckles as he starts the car and says, "You'd be surprised at the amount of people I work with that lack basic hygiene."

I stare at him in absolute horror. "But all the people you work with are, like, mega rich, if I'm working around that many people I'm bathing like 42 times a day."

"A bit excessive, don't you think?" my days replies. My dad is an actor. A very famous one at that, so the whole crowd thing isn't new, but I still very much dislike it.

"I have to go by the set that I'm working on for the next few months, I can drop you off unless you want to watch your father be someone he's not for hours upon hours," my dad says to me as he stops at a red light.

"No thanks, I'm perfectly okay with staying home with my favorite person," I reply as he starts driving again.

He puts his hand on his chest faking a hurt before saying, "For one Tago is a dog not a person and for two I thought I was your favorite person."

I laugh as I reply, "well, father, unfortunately you thought wrong."

We spend the rest of the drive to our new house in a comfortable silence. We just moved to this new house from our old one yesterday. We were in a completely different state.

Which means, I'll be starting at a new high school for my senior year tomorrow. How convenient. What's even more convenient is how I have to explain my condition to everyone. See, I'm intersex. So you can imagine I have a great track record for first impressions.

We pull into the long driveway of our house and my dad stops to let me out.

"Okay AG, I'll be back in a few hours, cuddle Tago for me, oh and your new guitar is set up in the garage along with everything else you need," my dad says.

"You bet, and thank you dad, see you, love you," I reply.

He blows a kiss in reply and sets off down the driveway.

I walk into the house and Tago's wagging tail greets me at the door. The house was now fully unpacked as we spent all day yesterday unpacking along with a few people my dad hired.

I walked into my bedroom and flopped onto my bed, kicking off my shoes. I was exhausted.

I felt my eyes get heavy, and soon enough I was asleep with Tago on my side. On my brand new bed, in my brand new house, in a brand new city.

I awoke from my slumber, very fancy words I know, with light taps on my shoulder. "Adrián, you need to get up. You might have slept for 10 hours and now it's time for school," my dad says.

I shot up from my bed. There's no way I slept that long. I check my phone and the time reads, 6:47 P.M. My dad begins laughing.

"Really?" I say, laughing.

"I just woke you up cause I wanted to see if you wanted to go eat with me at this restaurant here in town?" my dad asks with hope in his eyes.

Two things about me is I LOVE quality time with my dad and I LOVE food. Honestly, it's a wonder how I'm still in shape with how much junk food I eat.

"Of course, just let me get ready," I say.

I hop out of my bed and walk to my closet and begin to get dressed. I just put on black slim fit slacks with a black button up and my silver rings. I looked in the mirror and ruffled up my wavy hair and made my way out the bedroom.

"Alright, I'm ready Dad," I say.

"Okay, let's go," he replied while going out the door and into the driver seat of his Maserati.

The engine roared to life and we were on the way to the restaurant. The roof of the car was off, and I laid my head on the doorframe as we passed through the city of large buildings and stop lights. The wind went through my hair and soothed me. It always did.

The sound of the wind and my dad's 90s hip-hop music was a sound that had grown so normal to me that it was calming. It was one of the only things that hadn't changed since my mother passed away 5 months ago. It was the only thing that stayed.

Eventually, we reached the restaurant and we stepped out the car. The restaurant was rather fancy. Fancier than most at least. As my father and I began walking towards the doors, his two bodyguards followed suit behind us.

We walked in and I immediately felt all eyes on us. See, I've been a guest star in a few movies alongside my father. I'm not as famous as him. Although, if people figured out I was that one guitarist from their favorite band that has scars running up their arms, then I'd probably be on the same level as my father.

"Okay, Gomez party of 4, right this way," the hostess says while walking us to our table.

We sit down at the table and I become starstruck by the beauty at the table in front of us. She's blonde, with beach wavy hair, and piercing blue eyes that I cannot stop looking at. She turns to my direction to which I quickly look away.

My father catches me staring and laughs to himself, thinking I can't hear.

Eventually we eat and leave the restaurant. Did I spend majority of the time getting lost looking at that girl? Maybe. Is that the point? No. Mind your business.

I get home and immediately change into my flannel pajama pants and take off my shirt to go to sleep.

I lay down and fell asleep for another time today.

SO GUYS THIS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF "You Drive Me Crazy (So Crazy)". Let me know your thoughts!!!

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