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*Taylor's POV*


If there's any word to explain how I've been feeling lately, it's numb.

Adrian doesn't send me a good morning text anymore. She doesn't even look my way during classes.

In first period, she puts in her headphones and silently does her work then as soon as the bell rings she's out of the room.

It's my fault, I know.

But she could at least fucking acknowledge my existence.

I've been hanging out with Lucas. He keeps trying to kiss me and have sex with me but I keep denying him because I want Adrian.

I never meant to hurt her. That was never my intention. I just wasn't ready to come out to anyone.

And I guess I tried to hide it by dating Lucas. That was obviously a mistake.

I sigh as I walk into my house after a long day at school.

"Long day, love?" My dad says as he watches the afternoon news on the TV.

"Always," I reply back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks with his full attention on me.

"You know what, maybe I should. Is Mom here?" I reply back while sitting next to him.

"Yes I am," I turn to see my mom walking into the living room from the kitchen.

"Well can I talk to you guys for a second?" I say with my face flushing from my nervousness.

"Yes of course you can," My dad says while pausing the TV.

I explain the whole situation. From start to finish.

From the day I first saw Adrian to the day I lost her because of my stupidity.

"Is this your way of coming out to us?" My dad asks with a soft smile.

"I- I guess so. Yeah," I reply back with a small smile.

"This is absolute nonsense!" My mother yells while getting up from the couch, "No child of mine will live a sinful life. Grady, you cannot support this."

"She is our daughter. We will love her regardless," My dad yells back at her with fiery eyes.

"No I will not," My mother yells back with a hand raised ready to slap me.

I close my eyes preparing for a sting to my face but open them to see that my father has stopped her hand from coming any closer.

"You can leave. And leave that damn ring on the counter," He says while my mother huffs.

"If that's how it must be, Grady," My mother says and walks out while throwing her wedding ring on the counter.

"I'm sorry about your mother. Are you okay sweetheart?" My father asks worriedly.

"Yes Dad, I'm fine," I reply back.

"Also, my advice with Adrian if she's anything like Martin, apologize to her. Be sincere. Gomez's are all about sincerity," My dad says to me with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you Dad," I say while pulling him into a hug.

"Anytime, love," He replies and embraces me.

I get off the couch and head up to my room. I plop down onto my bed and get a call from Lucas.

Lucas: Hey, Baby.

Taylor:  Hey.

Lucas:  There's a party tonight at Elijah's. I'm thinking we go crash it.

Taylor:  I don't think that's a good idea.

Lucas:  Come on babe. It'll be fun.

Taylor:  Fine. I'll be there soon.

Lucas: Okay I love-

I hang up the phone and cut him off. No way in hell I'm saying I love you to Lucas.

I put on some decent clothes and go downstairs to see my dad has left.

I go outside to my car and pull out of the driveway. I make my way to Elijah's house. Hoping that maybe Adrian won't be there.

But of course. Why wouldn't she be?

I walk in and see a sight that breaks my heart.

Adrian's eyes are full of anger and lust and she's dancing with a whole group of girls. They're all grabbing on her in ways that I used to.

A wave of jealousy washes over me and I quickly push it down. I immediately go to the drinks to get drunk as fuck.


I don't know how much I've drank. But I'm definitely not sober.

I walk around looking for Lucas. Then I see him literally sucking the face off some girl.

"Asshole," I say as I pass by him.

He looks up and he gets flustered and tries to follow me. But someone stops him.

"I think you should leave," Adrian says while looking at Lucas.

Lucas is drunk and Adrian looks to be buzzed.

"This isn't even worth it," Lucas says and walks off.

Damn that was easy. Adrian turns around and just walks past me.

"Adrian, wait," I say and grab her arm.

She looks at me for a second then begins to walk away.

"Adrian Gomez, please just fucking wait," I say once I find the words again.

She stops dead in her tracks and turns around to look at me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up I know. I'm a messed up person. You didn't deserve that. I was just so scared to come out to anyone and I tried to mask it by "dating" Lucas. But I don't even like him. I like YOU. Hell, I love you. And I lied when I said there was nothing between us because I've fallen head over heels in love with you, Gomez," I say in one breath.

She doesn't say anything and just looks at me.

"But I understand if you don't forgive me, so I'll go," I say and begin to walk out.

I turn around and feel a hand on my arm. Adrian pulls me into her and crashes her soft lips onto mine.

I've missed this.

It quickly grows more passionate as she picks me up and holds me by my thighs.

She places love marks on my neck as she opens the door to a bedroom and places me on the bed. She quickly turns around to lock the door and is immediately back right in front of me.

i pull her in by her neck and feel her getting harder as we kiss more.

"Taylor, I'm going to fuck you until you can't think straight," She says as she pulls down my pants.

"Adrian, I'm begging you to do that," I say back out of breath.

And that's what she did.

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