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*Adrian's POV*

So, my dad decided that I could skip school today and just hang out with him all day.

I am not complaining. I love hanging out with him.

"You ready AG," I hear my dad yell from downstairs.

"Yes, I'm coming down now," I say as I stumble down the stairs while throwing on my jacket.

"Look at you. Almost looking as handsome as your father," My dad says with a wink.

"Tu verga," I say and roll my eyes.

"Hey watch your mouth, I'm still your dad," He says and playfully hits me upside the head.

I rub the spot where he hit me and I follow him
to the car.

I hop into the passenger seat as he hops into the driver seat. He buckles his seatbelt and instantly turns on his Aventura.

"Ahh the best music," I say to him while buckling my seatbelt as well.

"I see that I raised you right," He says while singing the lyrics to Obsesión.

He pulls out the long driveway and onto the road.

"Where to first?" He asks in between lyrics.

"Milkshakes to start out the day?" I ask with my eyes full of hope.

"Of course," He says and drives towards a diner.

We pull in the parking lot and step out to the entrance.

I hope nobody recognizes him.

We go seat down and look over the menu to get something small with our milkshakes to hold us over.

A waitress comes over and she looks stunned.

Of course someone recognizes him.

"I'm sorry but are you Martín and are you Adrian?" She asks shockingly.

My dad and I both laugh and nod in reply.

"I'm sorry I know this is totally unprofessional but may I get a picture after yall are done?" She says.

"Of course you can, love," My dad replies with a soft and gentle smile.

She grins and takes our order.

Our milkshakes come out. Mine being a chocolate with whip cream and a cherry on top.

My dad got a strawberry milkshake with whip cream but no cherry. He doesn't like cherries. Weirdo.

Our food comes and we eat and drink in a comfortable silence.

We finish rather quickly and give the waitress what we promised and leave a good tip for her.

We leave and I hear my dad say, "Alright, I'm thinking we go to the music store to see about getting some new guitars and gear for you."

"That sounds great Dad," I say with a wide smile.

He cranks his car and makes his way to the city's music store.

He tells me to go off on my own and look for whatever I'd like and he'll be in the acoustic section.

I nod and happily make my way on over to the electric guitars.

Looking at guitars just makes me so happy. Even if I don't get anything, they're just so beautiful.

I have plenty of them. So in reality, I don't need them. But I want them.

I spend some time getting lost in the beauty of the guitars and decide to go find my dad so we don't spend our whole bank accounts in this place.

We leave and my dad is trying to find somewhere else to go.

"So Dad, there was this place I went to last night when I was driving around the city. It was so relaxing I'm gonna send you the address," I say to him.

He nods and puts the address into his GPS and
follows it.

We arrive to the park I was just at last night and get out.

We both walk through the gates. I lead him to the tree where I was seated at last night for God knows how long.

He followed me and I can tell he's taking in the silence just as I was.

"This is very relaxing," he says with closed eyes and a soft smile.

"I know, it's like a whole new world," I say while looking around at the woods and the beautiful blue sky.

"It really is," he says and slowly opens his eyes, "You know, your mother used to take me to the rooftop of our penthouse to watch the sunset the whole time she was pregnant."

I see the tears slowly forming in his eyes as he looks up at the sky. Almost as if he's hoping she'll come down  and pull him up so they can be together again.

"We would watch it until it went down, and some nights we would stay until it rose again," He continues.

"That's very nice, Dad," I say and feel the tears in my eyes begin to form as well.

"She's always been a sucker for sunsets and sunrises, just for relaxing places in general. You know?" He says while wiping away his now falling tears.

"I know what you mean," I say while inching closer to him.

"You remind me of her everyday. I know you're gonna change the world, just as much as she changed mine," He says while looking at me with proud eyes.

"I hope I do, Dad," I say and I embrace him into a deep and long hug.

"You will, mija. You will," He says reassuringly.

He affectionately rubs my back. He used to do this when I was younger and I had nightmares. It always calmed my racing heart and racing thoughts.

It was even working now. It's crazy how it still works.

"Let's go get some dinner, fea," he says and breaks away from the hug.

He begins walking to the car and I follow him.

He gets into the driver seat with a breath and a sigh it seems he's been holding since we arrived here.

I buckle my seatbelt and he begins the drive to the restaurant.

We get there and we're seated in a more private area. The aura surrounding us is relaxing.

"What you think you're gonna order?" My dad asks while looking at the menu.

"I'm not sure yet, what about you?" I ask in response.

"I'm thinking maybe a steak with a baked potato," He says.

"Can never go wrong with a classic," I say with a light chuckle.

"Nope. That you never can," He says and puts down his menu. Signifying he's made up his mind on his order.

The waiter comes over and takes our order.

We spent the whole dinner laughing and talking. The food was great as well. It was overall just perfect.

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