A talk!!!!

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Mack and Torrin get back with the ice cream and they all sit at the table and enjoy their snack. Mack only got milk and Kaden and Nico are both confused. All the boys will talk. Nico(N), Mack(M), Kaden(K), and Torrin(T). 

(K) Why did you not get any ice cream?

(M) I had a surgery, and my stomach does not handle sugar well. 

(N) What kind of surgery?

(M) I had the gastric bypass surgery.

(T) He drinks low fat milk. That is his sweetness.

(M) That is right. I drink milk and maybe eat once a day. 

(K) Do you not get hungry?

(M) No.

(N) Is that why you only took one bite of the cheesecake the other night?

(M) Yes, to much sugar gives me a stomachache and I do not like sweets that much. 

(K) I see.

(T) Why did you have the surgery? 

(M) I was really big. 

(K) Can I ask how big?

(M) I weighed close to five hundred and fifteen pounds. 

(N) Really?

(M) Yeah, then I started a diet and lost one hundred pounds. Then since the surgery I have lost another two hundred and forty-seven pounds. I weight one hundred and sixty-two pounds now.

(K) That is amazing. 

(T) Do you feel better?

(M) Thank you, Kaden, and yes, I feel a lot better.  

(N) Boys are you done with your ice cream?

(T) Yes.

(K) Me too. 

(N) Will you two go to your rooms for a while. I want to speak to Mack alone. Would that be ok Mack?

(M) Yes, that is fine with me. 

(K) You promise you won't leave. I want to play today with you if that is ok. 

(T) Me too. 

(M) I promise we will play before I leave. 

The boys get up and go to their rooms. Nico gets their trash and throws it away. He leads Mack to his room, and they cuddle on the bed. The two men will talk. Nico(N) and Mack(M). 

(N) Can we talk about something. 

(M) Yes.

(N) Why did you put negative one on the calculator? 

(M) Is it ok if we talk about that at a later time?

(N) Yes, can you answer me one question?

(M) Yes. 

(N) Does it mean it was not consensual?

(M) Yes, that is correct.  

(N) I am sorry. When you want to talk about it I am here for you. 

(M) Thank you. 

(N) Can we kiss?

(M) I would like that. 

Nico leans over Mack and he kisses him. Mack gets butterflies and Nico grabs his hand. He intertwines their fingers, and they break from the kiss. Nico pulls Mack closer, and Mack lays his head on Nico's chest. They lay there and enjoy the quietness. 

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