A movie and bonding time!

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Mack and Nico are waiting on Torrin and Kaden to get out of the shower. They share a kiss and sit on the couch. They are trying to find a movie for all of them to watch together. Nico finds a movie and Kaden and Torrin come in the living room. Kaden is only wearing a shirt and boxers and Nico tells him to go and puts shorts on. He says its rude to only wear boxers around Mack. 

Kaden apologizes and goes to his room. Mack thanks him and they let Torrin sit in between them. Kaden gets back to the living room, and he sits by Mack instead of Nico. Mack smiles and so does Nico. Nico is glad he is trying to make Mack feel included. They are halfway through the movie when Torrin starts getting cranky. It is almost eight thirty and he is usually sleeping or ready for bed by this time. 

Nico picks him up and he takes him to his room to tuck him in and get him to sleep. Kaden stays and sits with Mack and the two will have a conversation. 

(K) Thank you for coming over tonight. You being here puts Nico in a better mood. 

(M) I also like being here. It puts me in a better mood too. 

(K) Why are you so nice to me?

(M) What do you mean?

(K) I was rude to you and you are nice to me. I am glad you are nice to me; I just don't understand why. 

(M) I am nice to you because you are entitled to your opinion. I will never get mad at someone for having a different opinion than I do. 

(K) I did not have that opinion. I just wanted to make my brother mad. 

(M) What has changed?

(K) You. 

(M) I don't follow. 

(K) I watched some of your videos where you talk about your family. You moved hours away from everyone you knew and started over. It must be difficult not to be with them anymore. 

(M) It is sometimes. I miss most of my family but I do not miss them enough to tell them where I live or to go back and visit. When I lived in my home state and close to family I was miserable. Now I live here and I love it. 

(K) Did you ever get lonely?

(M) I do. 

(K) Now you have all of us. You can come and visit anytime. 

(M) I think I need to check with Nico on that. 

Nico has gotten Torrin to sleep and he heard the last part of their conversation. He walks in the living room, and he will join the conversation. 

(N) You have my permission. 

(M) Thank you. 

(K) Thank you, dad. 

(N) Do you want me to go read to you and tuck you in? You do not have to go to bed, but it is almost nine. Your bedtime is ten. 

(K) Could we finish the movie and my bedtime be at eleven?

(N) Yes, we can, and I am going to explain why I am doing this. You helped me earlier when you took a shower with Torrin. He was so excited. He said you never spend time with him and tonight you went out of your way to make him feel special. He said you have never got in the shower with him. You always make him do it and he feels weird. Tonight, you made him feel accepted. You can start going to bed at eleven only if you do not have an attitude in the morning. 

(K) I promise I will try not to have an attitude in the morning. If I do I will talk to you about it and apologize and I will go back to the ten bedtime. Thank you for giving me the chance. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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