Horrors in the past!

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Mack and Nico are laying on the bed cuddling, and they are going to talk about Mack's past life before he moved. Nico(N) and Mack(M). 

(N) You can tell me when you are ready. We can wait and talk about it later. 

(M) I do not mind sharing. I just only want to talk about it once if that is ok. 

(N) That is fine. 


(M) I lived with my parents in a trailer park. My mom and dad worked different shifts and they overlapped with each other. I would have to stay with our landlord and his family for an hour or so after school each day. It was fine for a little while and then things changed. He made his son show me his penis and he made me do it. I was six when this happened, and I was so confused. He told me if I told anyone he would kill me. Then he would make his son do stuff to me and I had to do stuff to his son. His son was older than me. He was eleven or twelve, I think. He had just started sixth grade and I was in kindergarten. He tried to enter me one time and he was too big. It tore my behind a little and I bleed. He took care of it for a few days and it was healed. He would make his son enter me and then I would have to watch him abuse his son the same way. It was a horrible experience and I hated it. The only good thing that came out of it was the friendship I had with the son. I know this sounds crazy, but it was what made me realize I was gay. I knew then I would always be different. When it was just me and his son we would cuddle and talk. Then sometimes we would share a kiss. His dad made us do it all the time, but this was different. It was our alone time and we wanted to share a kiss. We lived there for around six months, and it happened nearly every day after school. His wife worked and he only had his son. 

(N) Did you ever tell your parents?

(M) I told my aunt when I was in high school, and I explained it to her. Then one night I was with them, and I was drinking and had taken a piece of chocolate that had thc and cbn in it. It made me open up more. I told them everything I told you and I told them that was my first heart break. His son and I had gotten so close and I remember crying when we moved. I lost my best friend, and I was terrified that his son would have to go through everything alone. I begged my parents not to move but we did. We moved from Alabama to Mississippi, and I hated it. I would call his son and talk to him and after a while we stopped talking. I lost his number and then we moved back. 

(N) Did your parents not notice anything? 

(M) No, unfortunately they liked their drugs more than they like their child. My little sister was still a newborn, so she was safe. I just hated not being able to tell them and I knew I felt different. 

(N) What do you mean? 

(M) I knew then I liked boys. I liked the way he held me and spoke to me. I liked the cologne he wore, and I liked the way he made me feel. I always describe it as my first heart break. 

(N) You never tried to have a relationship? 

(M) I had one relationship and it ended. He was ready to come out and I was not. I was scared of disappointing my parents and grandmother. She means everything to me. I knew she would be upset because she is old school Baptist. She does not support or believe that you are gay. I knew she would never support a relationship like that.

(N) So, you broke up?

(M) We did. 

(N) Did you never have sex with him?

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