7. Nrup (Part 2)

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No. Never!

For three years, shehis lovely dream girl—had held him captive within the confines of his imagination.

Three relentless years.

Whoever you are, I'll always have you in my dreams...

She became the central figure in his thoughts, a constant presence in his mind and heart.

Initially, every photograph his mother had shown him had only deepened his yearning for her. He had envisioned only her in place of all the women whom his mother had seen as potential matches. He had craved to unravel her identity, to explore her preferences and dislikes—he had wanted to know her, inside and out. He... Oh, how he had longed for a single chance to know her, understand the depths of her being, and bask in her presence's warmth.

Just for once.

And then with time, her image had stuck to him like Raag Yaman-Kalyan, his happiness and solace of love entwined with hers. Despite his attempts to shake off her memory, she had occupied his thoughts, a shining beacon of devotion and optimism amidst life's uncertainties. It had given some semblance of home within his mind, and he had learned to live with it.

But now...

Now, his mother was calling him about a girl. It was the first time she had called about this since he had withdrawn, taking it upon herself to look for potential matches and sparing him further photographs. She had even promised, "I'll find a goddess for you," to which he could only smile. What else could he do when his heart ached with the knowledge that his goddess had been taken away from him? A goddess whom he had never even known.

"Jagdish... Beta, are you there?" his mother's concerned voice brought him back to reality.

He cleared his throat, "Yes, Maa," he replied, trying to steady his voice. "What do you want me to do? Marry her?"

"Why would you think I'd ever force you into marriage?" his mother whispered, taken aback by his blunt response. "I... I want you to meet her, get to know her, and see if you'd be happy to marry her."

Annoyed, he replied, "I've told you, just point me anyone, and I'll marry that girl."

"That's not how marriages work!" his mother's voice exuded frustration. "Jagdish, what's wrong with you? If you like someone,  just let me know," she paused before adding, "Beta, we can talk to her parents."

Oh, Maa... But I have lost her! I don't know where she is!

"There's nothing like that," he sighed resignedly, understanding that it was futile to live in delusions, rather it was better to be practical and agree to whatever his mother had planned for him. "Alright, we'll go meet her and her family. Is that settled?"


"Where are they located?" he asked. "Mumbai?"

"No, they live in Pune." his mother responded. "I was there yesterday with your Dadi. We're at Shalini's place today." She sighed, "I won't be able to make it to Mumbai this time. Your Dadi wants to visit her brother's place."

"Got it," he glared at Chandrakant, who continued to peer at him with mischievously inquisitive eyes. "I'll be in Pune next month," he confirmed. "Can you come along then, or should I make the trip this weekend?"

"No hurry, we can visit them whenever you're free."


"Her name is Nishita. I'll ask Shalini to send you an email with her photo, please take a look," his mother murmured, and a thin line formed on his lips.

"Don't ignore it," it was a warning from his mother.

I won't touch that email!

He knew he'd never open it.

"Sure," he lied.



"I'll never go against your wishes, you trust me, don't you?"

Yes, he trusted her implicitly.

"I do," he assured her, shaking his head. "Yashoda, my lovely Maa, can never be wrong."

He heard his mother giggle, which brought a smile to his face.

"Bye, Maa."


Disconnecting the call, he stared at his friends who were grinning widely at him, "What?", he barked.

"You are going to meet a gurl?" Prasanna drawled, chuckling as he made a face. "Looks like wedding bells are ringing high in the air!"

"What about that dream girl of yours?" Chandrakant chimed in. "Oh, is this a case of 'fantasy vs. reality', your honor?"

"Fuck off!"

Unni sidled up to him, giving his back a reassuring pat. "Jaggy, this the first time your mom's set up a meet and greet, huh?" He shrugged nonchalantly. "Guess she's finally found you a missus."

Prasanna strolled towards Jagdish and winked. "Om Mangalam, Mangalam! Don't wanna love..." She started to sing, striking a seductive pose while holding onto his shoulder, and began to twerk. "Yo ma baby but ya driving me crazy, crazy boy..."

Chandrakant couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.



*coughs* Someone has gone crazy and given up hope in the past three years it seems.

"Om Mangalam" is dedicated to this chapter as Sana is dancing to fit in the mood XD

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