35. Pratisthana (Part 5)

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"You're not blushing today?" Nishita asked, arching an eyebrow as she observed Jagdish.

His cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of crimson, causing Nishita to burst into giggles.

"What's up with that?" she teased further. "A single word and you turn into a beetroot?"

Jagdish remained silent, bowing his head in response.

"Seems like you've slipped into the bride's shoes, Bhaiyya!" Subhadra's words danced into the air, sprinkling the moment with a playful charm. "With Nishita Bhabhi beaming beside you, you're blushing as if you've just been caught in a tender bridal blush."

Krishna, sitting beside Subhadra, couldn't resist joining in the fun. "Well, if the bride isn't following tradition, someone has to step in, right?" he joked, giving Nishita a smirk. "What do you think, Nishita?"

Nishita's grin widened as she cutely blinked her eyes at him. "I'm not Nishita to you anymore," she replied, adopting a mock-serious tone. "Show some respect to your elders."

Krishna shrugged. "Well, in that case, I'm older than you, so you should be respectful to me."

Nishita's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Maa ji!" she called out loudly, catching Yashoda's attention, who hurried over to her.

"Yes, Nishita Beta, what's the matter?" Yashoda asked with a smile.

"My Devar insists he won't show me any respect and demands that I address him as 'Bade Bhaiyya'," Nishita said, struggling to keep a straight face as she glanced at Krishna.

All color drained from Krishna's face as he stammered, "Maa... No... Maa, I didn't say anything like that."

Yashoda frowned at him. "Is this how you treat your Bhabhi?"

"Maa, no, I didn't—" Krishna tried to explain.

Subhadra jumped in, adding a comedic twist, "Oh, yes, Maa! He's even gone as far as to order Bhabhi to cut off all ties with her friends, especially poor Devika Di!"

"And can you believe it, Aunty Ji? He's grilling me about my second gap year! The nerve! And this is coming from the so-called Mr. Feminist!" Mohini chimed in, playing up the drama.


Taken aback by the elaborate prank unfolding around him, Krishna raised his hands in defense. "Maa, these women are conspiring against me... I... I--"

Observing the hidden mirth twinkling in all the young women's eyes, Yashoda chuckled and enveloped him in a hug. "Seems like my little one is getting ganged up on, huh?"

Flustered, Krishna attempted to protest, but upon catching his mother's grin, he huffed and marched off, leaving behind a chorus of laughter from the gathered crowd.


"Why do you look like someone ate your Gulab Jamun from your plate?" Nishita nudged Devika. "Viki, may I know the reason behind this shit-face?"

Devika blinked, mustering a slight smile. "Nothing, just lost in thought."

"She's been like this since your now darling fiancé came to meet you for the first time," Asmita remarked, pointing out Devika's untouched Gulab Jamun. "Look, she hasn't..."

Tired of being the center of attention, Devika snapped, "Geez, don't you guys fucking sit on my head now!" She turned to Asmita, trying to shift the focus from herself, "Also, I've cracked the code to your chirpiness, Mitu."

Asmita blushed, caught off guard. "What do you mean?"

Nishita, oblivious to the unfolding drama, asked, "What? What's going on? Viki, what do you know?"

"Ask our sweet Mitu, she'll tell you all about it," Devika said, smirking at Asmita. "Isn't that right, darling?"

Growing impatient, Nishita snarled, "Are you two even my best friends? What kind of freaking secrets are you keeping? I've been the only one transparent about everything!"

"Seriously?" Devika teased, nudging Asmita. "Now, spill the beans, Mitu."

Asmita hesitated before blurting, "Well, um, Shravan asked me out... We've been dating for eight months."

What the fuck!?

"What the fuck!?" Nishita was utterly bewildered. She had harbored feelings for Shravan for years and had given up hope just then, some five months ago.

Asmita elaborated, "He felt it might cause issues if my parents found out before he was settled in his new job, so we decided to keep it under wraps. He's planning to discuss it with them once everything is in place."

Nishita, clapping slowly, said, "Wow, things have progressed to that extent."

Devika stifled her laughter. "Exactly!"

Nishita turned to her, "What exactly!? You knew from the start and felt fine to keep me in the delusion?"

Asmita frowned, "In the delusion?"

Eyes widening like saucers, Devika stared at Nishita.

"Ah... Delusion about... About... Haan, Mitu, I thought you were ready to mingle, haha, nothing else," Nishita quickly blabbered, trying to cover up her stupid crush on Shravan.

Asmita looked confused but smiled. "Oh, I see."

"Smooth move, huh?" Devika whispered to Nishita, earning a glare in return.



Well Well Well... Women ganging up against poor Devar Ji XD

"Chudi Jo Khanki" is that one song that transports me back to when I was even tinier (yes, tinier than now) and used to dance like crazy to it... I mean who wasn't addicted to songs of Falguni!? What was your addiction?

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