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Imani took matters into her own hands upon learning that her best friend would sign a contract with Hiro Akeno, an artist she admired.

"Girl," Imani said, pulling Evelyn out of their apartment towards the elevator, "I'm going to make sure you're ready for this amazing opportunity."

Evelyn grinned, eager to see what Imani had planned. "Where are we going?"

"To the salon, of course. You need a complete makeover for tomorrow. Hair, nails, brows—everything! And I'm paying, so don't worry."

"On you? Now you're talking!" Evelyn exclaimed happily as they entered the elevator.

"Do you understand the significance of this opportunity, Eve?" Imani asked, pressing the buttons that would take them downstairs.

"That I'll be mingling with important people?"

"Yes, and if things go well, you'll become wealthy!"

"You're absolutely right," Evelyn chuckled. "But it's more than just money to me. I want to be recognized and appreciated for my work. I want to make Mr. Hiro proud."

"Oh, he will be. You have what it takes."

Evelyn nodded in agreement, and they shared a giggle.

"By the way, I couldn't care less about Mr. Art Collector," Imani continued. "I'm all about the money because if you get rich, so will I. This makeover I'm paying for is an investment in you, sis!"

Evelyn laughed at her friend's materialistic nature.

"Imani, you're already financially stable. You don't need my success."

"Uh, yes I do!" Imani interjected. "I need more money. I might be a paralegal, but you're about to be one of Hiro's artists. I heard so much about them that I looked them up. If everything goes well for you, Evelyn, you'll become a millionaire in a matter of months. So, I stand by what I said."

Both young women laughed and left the building.

Imani drove Evelyn to a luxurious salon. Over the next few hours, Evelyn had her hair, brows, and nails done. With just a few changes, she looked even more stunning and completely transformed.

"And there you have it—the new you," Imani said in awe as her friend stood before her, radiant. "Here's to new beginnings, Eve."

"Indeed, here's to new beginnings. Thank you so much," Evelyn said, admiring herself in the mirror. "I look like a young and wealthy auntie."

"You're going to mingle with important people, honey. When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"Yes, ma'am!"


* * *

Monday morning arrived, and Evelyn had barely slept the night before due to her excitement.

After a quick shower, she put on the beautifully tailored black dress and fancy work stilettos that Imani had purchased for her. They fit perfectly, and she was deeply touched, making a mental note to spoil Imani once she became wealthy. Imani was the only person left in her life who truly cared about her.

As Evelyn left her bedroom, she noticed that Imani had already left for work. However, her friend had left a note wishing her the best for the day.

It was going to be a great day.

Evelyn's cab dropped her off in front of the towering building, which was none other than Hiro's art company and training center. She stood there, gazing at the well-dressed men and women entering and exiting the building. Some were employees, while others were established artists and students, a few of whom she recognized.

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