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When Akeno returned to his penthouse after escorting the anticipated guest out of the elevator, Evelyn experienced a twinge of disappointment upon seeing a stunning, tall brunette trailing closely behind him. The woman bore a striking resemblance to a model, someone who had possibly undergone cosmetic procedures and looked akin to many of the beautiful influencers. Her striking dark features suggested a possible origin from Southeast Europe or the Middle East. She was dressed in a long coat, which she used to conceal herself, and beneath it, Evelyn caught a glimpse of her extremely high-heeled boots.

"Good evening," the woman greeted, snapping Evelyn out of her thoughts.

"Oh, good evening," the young artist replied with a slightly awkward smile. She struggled to conceal her disappointment, having hoped to be alone with Akeno.

"Eve, this is Leticia," Akeno introduced before turning to the beautiful woman. "You know where to go. Evelyn and I will join you shortly after I take a shower."

"Alright. I'll get ready," Leticia replied as she began to walk away.

It was at that moment that Evelyn noticed the small suitcase Leticia was pulling along and wondered what it might contain.

After Leticia had disappeared down the corridor, Akeno approached Evelyn.

"Can you give me a few minutes? I'll take a quick shower, and right after, I promise you'll understand what's happening," he said to her.

"Alright," she replied with a smile. He kissed the top of her hand before walking away and vanishing up the beautiful stairway.

Evelyn exhaled and grabbed the remote to watch some television in an attempt to distract herself while waiting. However, she found herself unable to focus on whatever was on the screen due to her overwhelming curiosity and thoughts about how the evening would unfold.

Lost in thought, her phone beeped with a text message from Imani.

Imani: Hey~ How's the dinner going? It's past 10 PM, and you haven't called me yet. Is everything alright?

Eve: Yes, Imani, please don't worry too much. Also, I might end up returning a little later than initially anticipated tonight. So far, everything is going well, but I'll definitely keep you updated if I need anything, for sure.

Imani: Alright, I'll go ahead and head to bed for now, but I'll make sure to keep my phone close just in case you need me to pick you up or something.

Eve: Alright, thank you. Goodnight, and take care <3."


At the sound of her name, Evelyn slowly turned to see Akeno descending the stairs. What she saw made her breath catch and her heart skip a beat. Standing a short distance away from where she sat was a freshly showered Akeno with slightly damp hair, appearing quite disarming. Most strikingly, he was shirtless, wearing only a pair of black pants.

As if in a trance for the next few seconds, Evelyn remained speechless, her eyes roaming over the body she had imagined so many times in her daydreams. Akeno's naked torso was truly a stunning sight to behold; he was undeniably fit, with a broad, firm, and smooth, manly chest. His pectorals were full and firm, and his nipples were an attractive coffee brown. Not an ounce of fat adorned his muscular arms, and the veins on his forearms made her realize a few things about herself for the very first time. His chiseled stomach was perfect, with six well-defined abdominal muscles. But what truly left Evelyn with a dry throat were the v-lines on each side of his fit abdomen, carving their way down towards his crotch and half hidden by the waistband of his pants.

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