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It was an early cold morning.

Mika stayed over that night with Izana. She woke up first since she isn't a long sleeper. She was careful not to wake Izana up, and left silently to the kitchen to start up with breakfast.

She learned how to cook from Shin because he made her at least make some stuff to at least survive. So she knew how to make eggs :D and some toast with jelly.

After she got the breakfast ready, she went to the balcony to grab a quick smoke break. She did promise a certain someone to stop her addiction but it wasn't happening in the near future. That made her think how he was doing.. She didn't talk with him after she got released.

She exhaled the smoke she felt comfortable with to the cold winds. She didn't had anything on but she never felt cold.

After a silent second, she crushed her cigarettes butt and went inside. She saw that Izana hadn't woken up yet so she went into the room to wake him up.

She gently opened the door to see the Tenjiku's king, sleeping soundly, hugging a plushie Mika gave him as a gift when he was still in the orphanage. She smiled, and sat on his bed near him.

''Iza- Time to wake up-'' She whispered as a hand went to ruffle his hair.

Izana grumbled for a second, but then slowly opened his eyes to see the sight he wanted to see for years.

Mika smiled, and sat up.

''I made breakfast, gotta go early.'' She said, crushing Izana's dream to have breakfast together..

''Ane why don't you stay for breakfast? Stay a little longer pleasee-'' Izana pouted, making Mika sigh.

''I have a doctor's appointment kiddo- Sorry'' Mika ruffled his hair, looking at him with a soft smile.

''We'll do it okay? I promise.'' Mika said as she took her pinkie out.

Izana looked at her, he knew she had a reason but he really didn't want her to leave.

''Fine.. You promised.'' Izana locked his pinkie with hers. Locking their promise.

''Good boy-'' Mika giggled then went to wear her jacket. Izana walked her to the door and saw the breakfast she made.

''Since when do you cook?'' Izana asked while Mika wore her shoes.

''Since Shin taught me.'' Mika smiled, but Izana fell silent.

'' I was a quiet kid, and didn't tell anyone when I was hungry. So he taught me to cook so I wouldn't starve.'' Mika giggled, then ruffled Izana's bed hair.

''See ya later kiddo, eat it while it's still hot!'' Mika said as she left the door.

Izana stood there for a minute or so. He noticed that was the first time his sister opened to him about her childhood and.. Talked more comfortably about Shin.. He still was angry at Shin, he didn't get to talk to him before he died. It stayed in his heart, the stuff he wanted to say..

He walked and sat to eat his breakfast made by his loving big sister. He was about to grab the utensils but then saw a sticky-note. That wrote;

-Happy new years kiddo,

can't wait to spend the

next one together

as a family.

Izana smiled a little.

''I hope too Ane..'' He whispered before taking the chopsticks and praying before eating.

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