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Somewhere in Yokohama....

''The air pressure is quite heavy..''

''On a day like this, when it feels like something's gonna happen, you come looking for me''


''You know what I wanna say, right Kisaki..?'' Izana stood up.

''We got turbulence.'' Izana smiled as Kisaki just glared.

''What made you join us?'' Izana asked.

''I'd like to take ''revenge'' my own way..'' Kisaki said, only making Izana smirk.

He knew why his older sister warned him about this kid. He could sense the danger around him, which made him more excited.

''And fail again?'' a voice behind said, as walking towards them.

''Huh!?'' Kisaki turned around annoyed but his eyes widened as he saw the one and only, Yokohama's Tenjiku's President's big sister, Sano Mika, he froze.

''You will continue to fail every time because of your ''dirty tricks'' kid. Be fair for once.'' Mika glared at him while she felt Izana's steps coming closer.

''Ane, you came early! I'm done here let's go.'' He said as he linked their arms and pulled her away from them.

After they left the roof Izana started talking.

''It's starting this night Ane..'' Mika sighed, this was the part she didn't want it to happen.

''Remember Iza, no dirty tricks..''

''And no trusting Kisaki.'' Her sound came cold and clear.

Mika promised herself that she wouldn't get involved in this fight. She didn't want to see her little sibling fighting. So after her talk with Izana, she went back to Shibuya to her apartment. With her baby of course ;)

She was about to put the key to the keyhole but saw that the door was already open, which made her take guard. She didn't know which idiot tried to rob her house. She slowly opened the door and closed it silently, like a shadow. She didn't make any sound and saw a familiar white hair sitting on her couch.

Her eyes widened.. This wasn't a robbery. She knew who he was.

''Waka..?'' Her sound came out silent. The white haired man turned his head to look at her. He got up, took some steps to go in front of her. A lollipop's stick hanging from his mouth.

''Finally catched you, Mikaela.'' He answered with a deep tone, trapping her with his arms.

''W-why–'' Mika opened her mouth but her voice got cut out with the balcony door opening. Takeomi and Benkei walked in with their cigarettes.

''Yo Waka, stop trapping her! She is shaking.'' Takeomi warned as he closed the door.

Mika's mind was blind. Everyone but Shin was there. She was shaking but didn't know why. Why was she shaking? She was just surprised by their sudden appearance.. Yeah that was all.. But then WHY WAS SHE SHAKING.

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