Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After recently suffering a heartbreaking miscarriage, T'nia had fallen into a deep depression that worried Isayah. He could see how devastated she was by the loss and that she was struggling deeply with grief and pain. With Isayah needing to leave town for several days for work, he wanted to make sure T'nia was not left alone in her fragile emotional state.

Isayah decided to gather T'nia's closest female family members and friends to stay with her at their home while he was gone.

He asked T'nia's two sisters, Kecia and Sienna, knowing their familial bond would provide comfort. He also reached out to his cousin Mimisa, as they had always been very close. Additionally, he contacted T'nia's best friends Monie, Desha, and Juniya, trusting that their sisterly bonds of friendship would uplift T'nia's spirits.

"Call me if anything happens, I don't care how small it is, call me," Isayah said as he let them into the house.

Isayah knew that surrounding T'nia with the women who loved her most would give her the support she desperately needed during this devastating time.

Their companionship and empathy could help T'nia process her grief rather than being isolated with her sorrow. Isayah hoped that by inviting her most cherished girlfriends and family to stay with T'nia, it would remind her that she was loved and help lift her out of the darkness of her depression.

"Yes, we know, now hurry up, you're going to be late," Kecia said, pushing Isayah out of the door before he could change his mind and cancel his flight to Los Angeles for his wrestling gig with Game Changer Wrestling.

"Don't rush me, I'm trying to make sure my girl and son are good while I'm gone," Isayah said.

Mimisa shook her head. "We know how to take care of our girl and nephew now be gone and be safe," Mimisa said, shooing him out the door.

"Hold on now, hold on now," Isayah said, refusing to let them push him out of the house. "I left instructions and my momma is stopping by with food for T'Nia, she can't eat fast food so no matter what don't buy her any fast food or I'm going to Samoan spike y'all," Isayah told them.

"Okay, we get it," Desha said.

"Okay, just make sure she's good at all times," Isayah said before sighing. "She is taking this miscarriage harder than y'all know," Isayah said.

The girls nodded. "We'll keep you updated but you better keep your head in the ring and don't get injured," Sienna said.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about her, but I'm promise I'll be back before she notices I've been gone for too long," Isayah said.

T'Nia immediately noticed that Isayah wasn't home after she woke up from her nap and found herself alone in bed.

Juniya walked into the bedroom. "Hey, Tee, how are you feeling?" Juniya asked T'Nia.

T'Nia started tearing up. "Where is he? Where's Zilla?" T'Nia asked, looking for him.

Juniya walked over to the bed and placed a hand on T'Nia's shoulder. "He had to go to work," Juniya told her.

"He left me," T'Nia said in distress after waking up alone and realizing her boyfriend Isayah was not there.

"No, he didn't, Tee, let me call him," Juniya said as she immediately called Isayah upon seeing T'Nia's panic and explained what had happened.

Isayah's heart shattered when he heard how his girlfriend was suffering without him there. He urgently asked Juniya to put T'Nia on the phone so he could comfort her.

In a soothing voice, Isayah reassured T'Nia that he would only be gone two more days on his work trip before coming back home to her.

He promised she could keep him all to herself once he returned.

T'Nia's small, worried voice asked "Promise?" as she sought confirmation of his words.

Isayah smiled softly, envisioning holding T'Nia in his arms again soon. "I promise," he replied gently but firmly, hoping to ease her anxiety.

Though it pained him to be away, he knew she could endure two more days of separation.

He vowed to make it up to T'Nia with affection and undivided attention upon his return. For now, his loving words and pledge to reunite would have to sustain her until they could truly be together again.

T'Nia gave the phone back to Juniya. "Yo, Juniya, call my momma and momma Tee, she needs them," Isayah said.

"Okay," Juniya said, knowing that it was best for T'Nia that she has mothers here to take care of her.

"And y'all don't leave her by herself until they get there," Isayah told Juniya.

"We won't," Juniya said.

After Leata and T'Nia's mother, Tinashe arrived and took over caring for T'Nia, there was a palpable sense of relief in the house.

Tinashe's calm yet commanding presence brought order to the chaos of her daughter's sudden separation anxiety from Isayah.

She swiftly and efficiently tended to T'Nia, allowing Leata to take over caring for Zyaire's needs.

Meanwhile, Isayah was anxiously calling every two hours without fail to check on his family.

"Okay, Zilla, you just called and we told you she's good," Tinashe said, gently exasperated by the young father's constant fretting.

"Yeah, tell him we will block him if he keeps calling," Leata joked, chuckling at her son's overprotectiveness.

Isayah kissed his teeth in frustration. "I'm just checking in on my woman and child," he explained, yearning to be by T'Nia's side.

"And we said they're good so relax with all that calling every two hours," Tinashe replied firmly, yet secretly admiring Isayah for being so caring and involved despite the distance.

After some back and forth, Isayah reluctantly agreed, "Man, fine, I'll call before I go to bed." Tinashe shook her head.

"Isayah!" Leata admonished, though she understood his need to know his family was alright.

Tinashe and Leata's calm strength and Isayah's loving concern showed that this little family was surrounded by a strong support system.

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