Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Isayah returned home from Los Angeles and immediately rushed up the stairs to T'Nia, eager to comfort his grieving girlfriend.

As he climbed into their bed, he pulled her trembling body close, enveloping her in his strong arms.

Tenderly, he covered her damp cheeks with gentle kisses, his heart aching at the sight of her pain.

"How are you feeling, my love?" Isayah whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

At his gentle question, T'Nia finally broke down, sobs wracking her slender frame. "It's okay, baby, let it out," Isayah murmured, slowly rocking her as she wept brokenly into his chest.

Though they had only known of the pregnancy for a short time, the loss of their unborn child had devastated them both.

During his trip, Isayah had done some reading about miscarriages and their traumatic emotional effects on women. He now realized that T'Nia's road to recovery would be longer and more difficult than he had initially comprehended.

But he was determined to walk that road with her, providing unwavering love and support for as long as she needed. No matter how long her grief lasted, Isayah would remain steadfastly by her side.

May 2024

Three weeks later, T'Nia was slowly getting back to her old self, thanks in large part to the support of Isayah.

Though she had decided to take a break from actively posting on social media, only sharing the occasional update to her Instagram story, she was spending more quality time with Isayah and Zyaire.

When Mother's Day arrived that weekend, T'Nia was awakened abruptly by the sharp, piercing wail of the smoke detector going off downstairs.

She jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, only to find Isayah and Zyaire standing sheepishly amidst a cloud of smoke, both covered head-to-toe in flour.

The remains of burnt bacon sat smoking on a baking tray, evidence of their botched attempt to cook her breakfast in bed.

"Really?" T'Nia asked in exasperation, surveying the absolute mess they had made of her once-tidy kitchen.

Isayah and Zyaire immediately began pointing fingers, each blaming the other for the cooking disaster.

Shaking her head with amusement rather than anger, T'Nia headed over to open the sliding glass door and kitchen window, coughing a bit to clear the lingering smoke from her lungs.

Though not how she expected to spend the morning, she good-naturedly set about cleaning up the chaos, heart warmed by her family's thoughtful but ill-fated effort to surprise her on Mother's Day.

"Please, no one unsupervised kitchen time for you both," T'Nia told them.

Isayah kissed his teeth. "That doesn't apply to me. I'm grown," Isayah said.

"Isayah if I find you in my kitchen burning anything again, I'm beating your ass," T'Nia warned him.

Isayah waved her off and grabbed Zyaire so they could go get cleaned up. "We'll go out to eat," Isayah called out.

As T'Nia stood in the kitchen of her home, she was startled by a sudden knock at the front door before it swung open to reveal her mother Tinashe calling out "Tee! Anybody home?" T'Nia quickly made her way to the foyer to find not just her mother, but her sisters, her boyfriend Isayah's mother Leata, and Isayah's brothers all standing there holding balloons, bouquets, colorfully wrapped gifts, and trays of food.

"Oh thank God, Zilla and ZJ almost burnt down my house trying to cook breakfast," T'Nia exclaimed in relief to the group.

Leata just shook her head knowingly and replied "I told Isayah to wait for us before attempting to cook."

After the initial happy shock wore off, warm Mother's Day greetings were exchanged between T'Nia and the mothers in her life.

Hugs were shared all around before the group made their way to the dining room where the specially prepared breakfast was laid out.

As they sat down to eat, conversation and laughter flowed while T'Nia and the other mothers were presented with heartfelt gifts; T'Nia received a jewelry gift from Isayah and Zyaire, a couple of sparkling rings and bracelets that they knew she would cherish.

Her mother Tinashe couldn't resist teasing that the next piece of jewelry her daughter would be receiving was hopefully an engagement ring from Isayah.

After their leisurely breakfast, T'Nia went upstairs to shower and change into dirt biking clothes for a Mother's Day adventure she had planned with Isayah and their family.

They headed out for a thrilling two-hour dirt bike ride before returning home in the evening for a family dinner at Tinashe's house.

It was there that T'Nia got to meet her newborn baby cousin Blaze for the first time, making it an extra special Mother's Day surrounded by family.

Isayah was worried about how T'Nia was doing being around a newborn after her miscarriage so he pulled her to the side to ask her about how she was feeling.

"You good, baby?" Isayah asked her as they stood off to the side of the house, looking at Zyaire playing with his cousins.

T'Nia nodded slowly, unsure of how to express her true feelings to Isayah.

For so long, she had adamantly declared that she would not have another child without a ring on her finger - a promise of lifelong commitment.

But recent events had shifted her perspective. After the heartbreaking experience of a miscarriage, and then holding her newborn cousin Blaze in her arms, T'Nia felt her maternal instincts swelling. A powerful longing for another baby took root deep within her.

When Isayah gently pressed her, sensing her hesitation, T'Nia let out a heavy sigh. She decided to confide in him.

"To be honest, I want another baby. The miscarriage and Blaze made me change my mind about everything," She revealed.

Isayah was clearly shocked, knowing T'Nia's previous hard stance against having more children out of wedlock.

"What about marriage?" He reminded her. "You know, no baby before a ring," He added.

T'Nia understood his confusion, but she felt strongly.

"I know, but I'm getting a ring regardless, so why not have another baby?" She explained.

Isayah was puzzled by this abrupt turnaround. "Are you for real?" He asked, searching her face.

"Deadass," T'Nia stated firmly, her dark eyes unwavering.

As Isayah took in this unexpected news, T'Nia felt the certainty down to her bones. She was ready for another child to love, ring or not.

The tides of life had swept her in a new direction.

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