Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

With T'Nia's words still on his mind. Isayah met up with his cousins, Joshua and Jacob. He needed advice. He wasn't sure if he should encourage T'Nia to get pregnant so soon after the miscarriage and marriage was on his mind more lately.

They sat in the restaurant as Isayah vented to them about his conversation with T'Nia on Mother's Day.

"Uce, what do you think? What's your heart telling you?" Joshua asked Isayah.

Jacob nodded. "Yeah, because we can tell you our opinions but at the end of the day it's about what you feel like handling the situation," Jacob told Isayah.

Isayah sighed. "I want to marry her. I want her to be my wife before we have another baby but I don't want her to feel like I don't want another baby if I tell her to wait especially when she wants one now," Isayah said.

Joshua took a sip of his beer. "You know Tee is very understanding. Yeah, she's stubborn but I think she'll understand," Joshua said.

Isayah just wanted to do things right. T'Nia always had her mind set on being married before they had another child and her changing her mind about it left Isayah feeling conflicted about it.

"If you want to marry her then propose, so y'all can at least be engaged when y'all start trying for a baby," Jacob said, eating his ribs.

Joshua nodded. "Right. What's the problem, Zilla? I feel like you're telling us something," Joshua said.

Isayah thought about his words carefully before speaking. "How do y'all make y'all marriages work? I don't want to get married just to get a divorce, you know, I want a successful marriage," Isayah said.

Isayah's parents were married but it wasn't always a great marriage because his father was on the road all the time. He didn't want his career to get in the way of his marriage with T'Nia if they got married. He didn't want her to resent him for being away wrestling.

Joshua and Jacob looked at each other. They finally understood what this conversation was about. Joshua decided to answer Isayah's question first.

"First and foremost, communication is key," Joshua began. "You have to be open about everything – your fears, your dreams, your expectations. And listen, really listen to hers too. It's about building a partnership where both of you feel valued."

Jacob chimed in, "And compromise, man. You won't always agree on everything, but it's crucial to find a middle ground where both of you can be happy."

Isayah nodded, taking in their words. "I guess I'm just scared of failing her, you know? She's been through enough."

"That's understandable," Joshua said, "but remember, no marriage is perfect. It's about working through the imperfections together."

Jacob added, "And support her, not just emotionally but in her dreams and ambitions too. Make her feel like she's not alone in anything she wants to pursue."

Isayah felt a bit relieved, understanding that marriage was more about journeying together than reaching a destination. "You guys think I should talk to her about this? About my fears?" Isayah asked his cousins.

"Absolutely," Joshua replied. "It's better to address these things now. Share your intentions about marriage and your career concerns. You might be surprised by her understanding and support."

Jacob agreed, "And when it comes to kids, you'll figure it out together. Maybe start with the proposal, show her that you're committed to this journey with her."

Isayah smiled, grateful for his cousins' advice. He felt more prepared to talk to T'Nia about their future. "Thanks, guys. I think I know what I need to do now."

As they wrapped up their meal, Isayah felt a newfound confidence. He was ready to take the next step with T'Nia, equipped with the understanding that marriage is a partnership that requires effort, communication, and love.

He was determined to build a successful marriage, one where both he and T'Nia could grow together, facing whatever challenges came their way, hand in hand.

When Isayah got home, T'Nia and Zyaire were out in the backyard, swimming in the in-ground pool on that hot day. The sound of the Zyaire's delighted laughter filled the air as he splashed around in the cool, refreshing water.

Isayah stood by the back door for a moment, smiling as he watched his family enjoy the beautiful weather. Seeing T'Nia floating leisurely on her back, eyes closed and face turned up to the sun, Isayah decided this would be the perfect time to have a conversation with her.

He knew T'Nia loved being a mother, and he hoped she would be open to what he had to say about what she told him. Isayah walked out to the poolside, waiting for T'Nia to notice him. When she stood up in the shallow end, smoothing back her wet hair and smiling at him in greeting, Isayah knew this was the right moment.

"Hey babe, can we talk for a minute?" Isayah asked.

"Sure, what is it?" T'Nia replied.

He launched into his appeal, explaining his desire for a bigger family, getting married, and his thoughts about the timing of their lives. T'Nia listened thoughtfully as Isayah made his case.

Isayah watched T'Nia closely, noting the myriad of emotions playing across her face whenever the topic of children arose. The recent miscarriage had taken its toll on both of them, but he noticed a particular kind of resilience in T'Nia, a certain steadfastness in her sorrow.

It was clear she harbored a deep yearning to try for another baby, despite the heartbreak they had just endured.

Isayah, on the other hand, was torn, oscillating between his desire to support her wishes and his concerns about the emotional turmoil another attempt so soon might bring.

The loss had been a devastating blow, leaving them to navigate a world of grief they had never anticipated.

T'Nia spoke about her longing to have another baby, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and fear. Isayah could see the determination in her eyes, a clear indication that her decision was not made lightly.

He knew that the miscarriage had left a void in her heart, one she believed could be filled by the love for another child. It wasn't just about replacing what was lost, but about the continuation of their hope, their dreams, and their love.

Isayah realized that her desire to have another baby was not a rash decision spurred by grief, but a testament to her strength and her capacity to love even after profound loss.

He understood that the path to healing was not linear and that wanting another child did not erase the pain of their loss but perhaps could offer a way forward.

Isayah knew that healing was a journey they would have to undertake together, supporting each other through fear and uncertainty. He recognized the importance of communication, of expressing his fears and listening to T'Nia's, ensuring they were both ready for whatever lay ahead.

The decision to try for another baby, he realized, was not just about conception but about reaffirming their commitment to each other and to the family they hoped to build.

In the end, Isayah decided to encourage T'Nia in her desire to get pregnant again, understanding that love, resilience, and hope were powerful forces that could help them navigate their grief.

He promised himself to be there for her every step of the way, offering support and understanding, no matter the outcome. Together, they would embark on this journey, holding onto the love they had for each other and the child they had lost while opening their hearts to the possibility of new life.

Isayah knew it wouldn't be easy, but he also knew that facing their future together, with all its uncertainties, was the only way forward.

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