Chapter 4 Getting Out of the Hospital

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The man, surprised by his own action, retrieved his hands, stood up, and loosened his tie. Cristine, not comfortable being alone in a room with a stranger, was still glaring at him. They stared at each other for a long time and no one said a word. A minute later, Cristine's mom entered the room.

As Stacy entered, she could fill the awkwardness and chill in the room. She saw her daughter glaring at a man and the man, bearing no emotions on his face, stared back. Stacy unexplainably shivered and hurried near the two. As she got closer, she was able to see the reddened eyes of Cristine, obviously from crying.

"What happened?", Stacy softly asked her daughter, and sat on her bedside.

Cristine was engrossed at having a staring contest with the man so she didn't notice her mom coming in. The two only retracted their gazes when Stacy spoke.

"It's nothing, Mom", Cristine replied as she subtly wiped her already dry eyes in case her mother notices she had been crying.

Stacy knew this was not the truth so she looked at the man soliciting for another answer.

"Her ex came. Together with his wife. They told her they got married", replied the man. He spoke as if he was just answering a trivial question.

Cristine was flabbergasted. How could he straightly tell it to her mom? Isn't it obvious that she doesn't want her mom to get worried so she lied? Cristine gave the man another glare.

Stacy sighed. Looked at the man and gestured for him to have a sit. The man, realizing just now that he was still standing, awkwardly looked for a sit. Cristine looked at him and was impressed. How could this man be somewhat imposing even if he is just sitting on a stool? What great aura.

"We never told you because we were afraid of your reaction. I didn't expect they would visit you." Stacy reached for her daughter's hand and squeezed it. "I know you love him so much but..."

"I know. It's not easy to wait for someone who you're not sure will come back. I know... It's alright, Mom. I already cried it all out."

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't tell him to wait. When he came to visit for the last time, he left his ring. I couldn't take looking at the ring on your hand so I took it off and threw them away."

So that's how it was.

Cristine forced a laugh. "No wonder, I couldn't see it when I woke up." Cristine caressed the finger that once carried a ring.

There was silence for a moment but then Cristine remembered the man and she subconsciously glanced at him. The man was sitting still and not bothered. Stacy saw how Cristine stole a glance at the man and she let out another sigh. Cristine heard it and looked towards her mother.

"Your ex-fiancé marrying is not the only thing I kept from you since you woke up", Stacy said as she moved in closer to Cristine. "This is Clint Evans. Your...", Stacy stuttered. She looked at Clint and continued, "Your...your... fiance".

Cristine, not comprehending, stared at her mother. And as the 'your fiance' finally sunk in, her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say something but words didn't come out of her mouth. She looked at her mother in shock.

Fiance? What fiance? Who? I don't even know him? Cristine's thoughts seemed liked they were painted on her face and Stacy knew what her daughter wanted to ask so she continued talking.

"I... At that time, you were... Chances of you waking up were slim. No one knew if you would really wake up but I stubbornly believed that you will. But then, I... I didn't know how to take care of you. After months of you not waking up, the money I saved wasn't enough to keep you here.", Stacy explained and tears started to form in her eyes. "So, when his grandfather came with a contract, I had no choice but to agree. I had to keep you alive." Tears finally rolled from her eyes.

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