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Demitra's pov

So after the party, most of the team and I got sick. Well most of the kids at the party got sick. There was like no one showing up to classes according to Aaliyah and others.

Paige and Azzi decided to stay the night with us. This is was before we found out that we were actually sick. I thought I was just tripping but nope.

I was the first to actually die. Paige didn't care if I was dying, she wanted her cuddles so she got them making her sick. The next morning, all three of us were dying except for my sisters and parents.

"Paige! Come take this medicine!" I shout from the kitchen. Paige was sick and she's being stubborn about it. "I'm on live by the way" Azzi said pointing the camera to me.

"I'm not taking that shit. You threw up because of it" she says walking in the room. "No I didn't" she looks at me with the 'don't be stupid' face. "Azzi has a video of it" I tell her.

"No bro I'm not drinking that" she walks out the kitchen but I grab her. "You're drinking it" she shakes her head but follows me back to where the liquid is. "No I'm not. I'm not drinking that" I ignore her and Azzi sets the camera on the counter so the people can see.

"Babe you have to do stuff you don't want to do but you know it's good for you" she looks at the liquid in disgust. "That's not good for me. I'm not sick" Azzi and I look at each other and laugh.

"We can see it in your eyes" Azzi says almost gagging to the thought of her drinking it. I elbow her since she's not helping. Paige looks at it and takes the cup and smells it.

"Don't smell it" she scrunches up her nose and gags. Azzi just laughing her ass off. "Give ber a water bottle" Sunday says walking in and joining us. "No because that water is probably gross too" Ellie then walks in with a water bottle and hands it to her.

"The water is actually good. Here try it" Paige slowly takes it and takes a sip out of it. After a second, she looks at us and we laugh. "Are you serious? That's good ass water" Ellie takes her water back and joins in the live.

"Y'all so extra why can't it just be normal water?" She takes the cup and was about to drink it but puts it down. "Nah this is disgusting" she sets it back down and shakes her head. "Paige you have to take it" I warn her.

"Nah I'll do a 100 pushups" I shake my head. "That's not gonna help" she groans and gets the cup again and smells it. "Girl stop sniffing it" Azzi says rolling her eyes. "Bro move" I turn to see my sisters trying to get in the frame and read some comments.

"You have to just take it" she looks at me starts laughing. "It's only two table spoons" she sighs. "I have a really quick gag reflex and I will throw up"

"Me too girl that's why I drank it quick" she sighs. "And threw up" Azzi mumbles making me slap her. "Can you open the door so I can go run?" This girl. "We have a dog" Sunday reminds her.

Paige walks out and goes to the door. "Where are you going?" I follow her. "I'm putting my shoes on" she quickly puts them on and walks back to the kitchen. "If you do it today you'll knock it out" Ellie tells her after she walks back in.

"I'm not sick. She is" Paige points to me. "You're sleeping with her so you're going to get" Azzi said making me roll my eyes. "Just drink it and eat a banana after" Sunday grabs a banana from the counter and sets it next to the drink.

"I don't even like bananas either" oh my god. "Love you Paige" I said hoping that it will make her do it. "No you don't because you wouldn't make me take this"

"I don't want to take this" she leans down and starts crying but laughing at the same time. Everyone is now laughing at her and the situation. "I think I'm getting my period cuz this is making me emotional" she says after wiping some tears.

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