Stress pt. 2

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Two on one day!? That's crazy
- m

Paige's pov

"Do you think Mia as mad at us?" Caroline comes up to me and sits down next to me. "No. Why?" she sighs and grabs her papers that are in front of her and organizes them. "She hasn't really been present. Did you guys break up and no one told me?" I shake my head and she just looks at me.

"You broke up with Demitra?" coach Geno comes up to me looking mad. He's like our number one supporter. "They broke up?!" Ines ask from far away. "Who broke up? It better not be Paige and Mia" Amari then says sitting down in front of me.

I groan and shake my head. "We did not break up" I tell everyone. It's like they've been holding their breath. "Okay so she's okay? I don't have to ground you or anything?" coach ask eyeing me.

"Yeah she's fine. She's just really busy" everyone nods and goes back to reading and looking at their papers. "Do you know if she's coming to our game tonight?"

"No but she might hang out with us after if she isn't too tired" they all pout. Geno starts with the meeting and I can't help checking my phone every minute.

Demitra K.

Hey just checking in on you
Don't stress too much okay? I don't like it when you stress yourself out.
Text me if you need anything!
I love you remember that 😘

That last message was sent an hour ago. I sigh and put my phone away. I died the whole meeting. It was pretty boring. Talked about whatever we would talk about before and after the game. I think it was just an excuse for G to have us all happy before the game because god knows how we will be after the game.

After the meeting, the girls and I went to the cafeteria to eat a little before the game. I kept checking my phone but no answer. "We should get ready" Ayanna says with a mouth full of bread. I sigh and walk to the locker room to get ready for the game.

Demitra's pov

I'm still so stressed. Marisa keeps telling me that people want to interview me and do photo shoots but it's getting to the point where I'm going to have a mental breakdown. I told Marisa that and she said that she'll do whatever she can and I love her for that.

I have my laptop open on the girls game. It's live and it starts in 10 minutes. "Demitra, supper is ready" Theo says from my door. "Okay I'll be down in a second" he nods and walks out.

I have an essay and a project due tonight, I have to take a shower because I haven't in a while, I have to send in my information to lululemon because they want me to do a 3 months partnership with them, also due tonight. And I also have to walk Romeo since it's my turn and kind of my dog.

I have my essay writing down on some papers but I have to do few changes so that's what I'm working on while watching the game. I worked on it for about 15 minutes until mom came up. "Your food is getting cold. Do you want me to bring it up for you?" She ask. "Yes please" she walks away going to get my food.

Mom came back with my food and I ate it while writing my essay and watching the game. "Mia! Romeo had to go out!" Ellie shouts from her room. I groan and see Romeo lying on my floor, watching me with sad eyes.

I look at the game and it's now half time. "Okay a quick walk" I grab my phone and walk out my room and down the stairs with Romeo behind me. I put my shoes on and put his leash on then walk out the door.

On the walk, I filled out my information for lululemon like what size am I, how much do I weight, favourite colour blah blah. By the end of the walk, I was done and sent it to them. Two things done, three more to go.

At home, I have Romeo a treat then rushed back upstairs to my room and looked at the time on my laptop. 30 seconds left till next half. Just in time.

I continue with my essay for the third quarter. I wasn't really paying attention to the game until the announcer said something about Paige. "Paige Bueckers hopping off the court. Seems to be an ankle injury" I look at the screen and see her hopping off the court with the help of Azzi and Ines.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I accidentally snapped my pencil and threw it at the wall. "What's going on?" Sunday ask opening my door. "Nothing" I pack all my stuff and put them in my bag. "I have to go. Tell mom I'm going to be with the girls" I stand up and walk past Sunday but she stops me.

"First. Take a chill pill and second, go take a shower. You stink" I sigh and go back to my room, drop my bag and get in the shower. I took the quickest shower I ever had. Literally five minutes. That's how long I was in there for.

I put my hair in a messy bun, put an oversized hoodie on and some sweatpants. I look homeless but that's okay. I grab my bag and rush downstairs.

I look around for my keys and couldn't find it only making me more stressed. I finally find them and rush to the door.

"Hey woah woah woah" Theo stops me. "Where are you going? You look stressed" I sigh and start pulling on my hair a little. "Hey don't do that" I stop and just look at him. "Where do you need to go? I'll take you" he grabs his keys and says bye to Sunday then we walk out to his car.

"Can you take me to your school?" I ask getting in, setting my bag down and shutting the door. "Yeah sure" I thank him and starts driving. He hasn't said anything because he knows if he starts I will snap and start crying.

He played some relaxing music which helped me. Most of us was Luv. Once we got there, we both got out and he followed me to Paige, Nika and KK's dorm. He wanted to make sure I was going to die.

I knock on the door and Nika immediately opens it. "The fuck happened to you?" She ask pulling Theo and I inside. "Is Paige okay? I saw that she hurt her ankle and wasn't playing for the last quarter" I try looking for my favourite blonde but she wasn't in the room.

"Chill. Take a deep breath" I take the smallest breath ever and she glares at me so I try again. "Will she be okay here with you guys?" Theo ask making sure before he leaves. "Yeah she'll be fine. Thanks" he nods. "Text me if you need anything" he says and walks out.

"Paige is with KK getting her ankle checked" I nod and she drags me to the couch. "Why are you so stressed?" I sigh and look at her. "I have to much to do"

"Let me help you" I nod and grab my laptop from my bag and open it up. I tell her all the things I need to do. "Okay so I can type out our essay and you work on your project" I raise an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that be cheating?" She shrugs and takes my laptop.

"You did technically already wrote it all down. I'm just typing it in your laptop" true. She has a point and it's not like they would know. I grab my notebook and sit on the floor and set up my stuff on the coffee table.

We start working and she played so relaxing music which helped me a lot. She talked to me about some shows she wants to watch with me and a concert that we both want to go to. We both agreed that we will NOT be going to a Taylor Swift concert because fuck that.

About an hour later, Nika finished writing my essay and I sent it in and I finished my project. "Done. See that wasn't so bad?" Nika says lying on the couch cuddled up in a blanket. "Thanks by the way" she just smiles at me and shuts her eyes.

KK opens the door and the duo walks in. Paige is walking okay but she's wearing an ankle brace. "She's alive!" KK shouts making Nika open her eyes and glare at her. "I heard someone was worried about me" P said sitting next to me, struggling a little.

"Well clearly" I hug her and she holds me close. "You'll still be able to play right?" I ask the blonde. "Of course" I nod and kiss her cheek. "Let's watch a movie" Nika puts a random movie on and I cuddle with Paige and all my worries fade away.

It's like everything doesn't matter when I'm with her.

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