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Guns and love,

You're still the one....🥀

Finally the tribute, to the couple who are a baby to me. Who made me go with the flow and created their own story...........The story I feel in love and obsessed over as it evolved and proceeded.

To my Strong big Man,

Thank you, for not giving up on your love for Tara and making this whole a soulful journey with fun-loving, sweet moments.

For being the one who tried to keep his family together and protected, despite all the chaos and conflict within his own mind. Thank you, for it all.

To my chaotic lady,

What do I say to you? You are everything. From your crazy acts and chaotic antics to that sweet girl which resides inside you. Who never backed down from challenges.

Thank you, for believing in love and keeping your innocence intent. Which had our strong man fall head over heels for.

The couple who gave me confident. Thank you, for coming to me. The ones who made me fell in with my own chaotic mind.

Can you be obsessed over your own characters? Because I am.

To my -powerful- destructive man,

Thank you, for choosing to protect your little niece over everything else. For making the right choices. Because if you hadn't, we might not have witnessed this lovely journey.

To my -lovely- family,

You all hold a different and special places in my heart. From the eldest dada jii to the youngest Anvi.

Thank you, for being my anchor in the darkest of nights and for all the others I don't know about. My readers.

From the chaotic laughing moments to the emotional ones, you had it all.

I wanted to write one to everyone because of the place you hold in my heart. And I think I won't ever fed up of talking about you all.

But let's stop it here for now and keeping all the others for the comings. Because I'm about to go emotional, which isn't something that happens to me normally.

Some feelings are meant to be Raw not edited and you guys are that. Thank you. 🥹🤗

A letter to my starlitz,

Thank you , for being on this beautiful journey with me and witnessing a part of it. ❤️ For your support.

Though there were times when I had almost given up on this story and my dream, but then there were also the little angel Starlitz who showed me love and kept me motivated.


And as we have come to an end for a new beginning, if you are interested, could you leave me a comment expressing your views on my story...💞.

You know, I would really appreciate that. A feedback...❤️

A Taara To Her Universe ~ Tale Of Us ✓Where stories live. Discover now