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At the bar, Adam, Stacie, Angel and Husk were there. Adam kept trying to flirt with Stacie who just looked annoyed by his attempts. Angel was tasked to look after Stacie by Charlie since she doesn't trust Stacie alone with Adam.

Adam was sitting on the left side, moving his chair a little close to Stacie as Angel was on the other side drinking his martini and keeping an eye out.

" So baby, what do you think of me? " Adam said as he wiggled his eyebrows " You talk to much darling,  want me to shut you up? " Stacie asked as she leans on the bar counter with her arm.

" Nah, it takes more than tape to shut me up " Adam replied " I wasn't talking about tape, darling " He was taken aback by the sudden flirt but it filled his ego " Ohohoho, I fucking knew you would want to suck my dick sooner or later " Stacie's face crinkled in disgust a bit before it went back to her flirty face.

" I would love to do something with you~ " she said in a seductive tone " And what would that be? Fuck don't answer it I know you want me to fuck you " He said in his cocky voice. Stacie smiled as she searched around her jacket to pull out a dagger.

She was about to jump him when Angel quickly pulled her away which made her chair fall down and drop the dagger which she was now leaning against Angel. " What the fuck?! You were gonna kill me? Fuck you, you eyeless chick! " Adam shouted as he flipped her off.

" Angel let me go! " she demanded as she tries to pry off his arms, it was unsuccessful as it only made Angel held her tighter " No, also be glad I ain't fining you for this "

" I'm not into that shit and you know it, so let me go! " She then tried to squirm away. She gaved up as she saw her umbrella, she used her hand to reach for it.

She managed to grab it and point it at Adam, but before she could shoot Husk yanked it away " Get ahold of yourself kid " he warned as he puts the weapon under the counter.

Stacie took some deep breaths, cooling herself off. Adam was about to yell some bullshit but Angel said something first " You better get your ass away from here before Niffty shows up " Adam felt threatened by the mention of the little maniac who killed him so he stormed off to his room.

Stacie groaned " I swear to fucks, he reminds of that bitch Jason, glad I fucking ate him " she ranted as Angel let her go, she fixed her seat before sitting down " Give me a whiskey, the whole bottle " Husk was surprised by the request but he did not question as he opened her a whiskey and gave it to her.

Upon receiving the bottle she immediately dunked it and drank half before she slammed it down " I feel like shit " she muttered before she slam her face on the counter. " Ooh~? Lightweight? " Angel asked, Stacie shook her head " No, just don't wanna relive a memory " she replied as it got muffled under the counter.

" Fuck, I need some fresh air, the freshness a burned city can be " Stacie said before she got up and bring the bottle with her towards the balcony, she stopped at the doors whe se saw. The king of Hell and Alastor there casually talking with their cup of coffee.

Not wanting to interrupt she was gonna go and leave but was stoppped when a really bright light was showered in front of the two. " Gabriel what are you doing here? " Lucifer questioned " You are requested in Heaven and he is also included "

" What?! My visit will in a month " Lucifer said, confused on why he is requested and with Alastor too. " Ha! I'm not going anywhere " The radio demon said, stirring his coffee before he took a sip.

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