part 2

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I was walking in my Favourite Park and Was doing Zikr in my Tasbeeh. I was humming Some Nasheeds and was feeling the cold Breeze Touching my Skin. But suddenly I noticed a Unfamiliar Figure was doing a Bad thing. A Girl maybe 23-26 years old was vaping.I couldn’t stand it anymore so I went to her and Threw her Vape away. After I did that she said What The Fuck. Astagfirullah. May Allah give her Hidayah."Miss.It is not good for your health to Vape" I said While trying to make her Understand "And who done you think you are to throw my Precious Vape away huh?That was my Favourite one you know?It cost soo much I bought it with MY MONEY THE MONEY OF MY HARDWORK DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS?" She shouted while Anger was clearly visible on her eyes. She looked like she was going to eat me. I got scared a little and said "H-Hey M-Miss. Please don't Mi-misunderstand me I am Sincerely Apologising I am sorry." She looked at me more like glared at me and then checked my whole self top to bottom and said "you seem like a Good Guy don't let the World make you Bad got it?Run From here I am counting to 5. 1,2" before she could even say 3 I ran off. But while running I heard the girl saying "cute".


" Ammi Jan I am ready" I said to my precious Mother as I got all ready for my Work today. it's the first day of my Work, Hope everything goes well. "Ah my Precious pious and pure child,hope everything goes easy on you. Work well and Learn everything perfectly okay my child?" I nodded obediently agreeing at her statement. "Wait...Let me Recite 3 Kuls" and then she recited 3 kuls and blew the Air on My Face. "My precious Son,May Everything be easy on you. You will be successful InShaAllah" with that She led me Outside. I took out My Car and Went towards My Destination......... Hendrix Enterprise

"Now it's 11:30 am I am at the perfect time. Proud of you Aarish. Now,Mission A go to the Receptionist and ask for My Workroom Key" with that I went towards the Reception. I was quite Amused by the View of the Inside building. The Owner surely has a Great Taste on every Fashion that's why this Company is a hit. "Assalamualaikum Miss.My name is Aarish Islam Amir. I was selected as the Secretary of The Ceo here can you tell me where do I need to go? This Building seems quite huge soo I don't know where to go" I said politely to her with an awkward Smile. She smiled and said "you are lucky I Have to say Mr. Or else no Men have the guts to become Mam's Secretary. I hope you survive with her. I really do wish" I got confused and was about to ask her a question but then

suddenly a person said "Rachel,Stop making him Scared look he is already scared and Confused." She was wearing an Abaya with a Nude colour Hijab. I can tell she was a Good Muslim so I got Cool down a Little. Then  I said "Umm...Assalamualaikum I am Aarish Islam Amir I got selected here as the Secretary of The Ceo of this Company can you led me to My working room?please?" I said politely yet Nervously. "Yeah,Ofc. I am here to Led you to the Room Come with me" She said and started to walk away. I understood the Assignment and Walked behind her following her like a Lost Man. I can tell that Every Female Employees there were looking at me and were talking about Me. I felt a little Awkward but shrugged it off.

"Woahhhh.....The room is soo......Gorgeous. " I said amusingly well aware that the Girl was present here but I didn’t care much. "Well...It has to be cause It's our Boss's Room. Btw,You didn’t even ask for My name so I am introducing myself. Assalamualaikum, I am Elizha Islam Waziha. The Head of the Designing Department. I take care of the People of this section. And...I am here to Explain you your work also as the Ceo already told me to. So...Basically Your work is nothing but to remember our Mam's Schedule. Come here sharply before 12 and ready all the works today. Give her what she wants and of course don't forget to put Little Sugar on her Coffee got it?" I nodded confusingly that...I am here to work or Do her Chores? "Also,Don't make her Furious She will fire you immediately. She has Anger Issues and her Favourite Food is Biriyani " She said and I was quite shocked that....she likes Biriyani?Isn't she Australian?Then how does she know about Bengali Foods?

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