the last video

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There will be two versions of the ending as I couldn't decide which one to do (2nd version being made tonight)


5 years after Sam's death

"Whats up guys, it's Colby." I try to say without breaking down. "I'm sure you're aware of what happened, and why we haven't posted for 5 years" I say, pausing as I take it all in. "Hes not with us anymore" I muster out, my voice broken as well as my heart as a single tear runs down my face. "I thought I'd make one last paranormal video. I want to be able to speak to him again" I say, wiping away the tear and grabbing the spirit box. "Sammy, if you're here, you know what to do" I whisper loud enough for the mic to pick up.


"Sam!" I cry out. "Say something so I know it's you.

miss you

"I miss you too, I'm lost without you. Why's you leave me?" I sob, not caring about the camera anymore.

I'm sorry...

The voice trailed off in the spirit box.
"Sammy are you still here?" I say, before feeling a cold breeze wrap around my body. "Sam are you hugging me?" I ask, smiling, tears streaming down my face.

I love you

"I love you too, I always did" I say, still feeling the cold breeze around me. "I never got to tell you"

Onward and Upward

I smile at that. Sam was my guide in life, the light at the end of a dark tunnel. He still is, only he's not here anymore. He was always the one to start smiling at basically nothing. He was always the one to be so caring to anyone, especially animals in the videos we used to watch. He was always the one to lose sleep for others. He was always the one to drag you onto the dance floor even though you insisted not to and only did because he wanted to. He was always the one to comfort others when we were filming. He was ways perfect. I loved him with every bone in my body. I still do. I'll never stop.
I love you Samuel Golbach...

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