I'll see you again soon (ALTERNATE ENDING)

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Colby hadn't left his room since Sam's death, and he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, he had other plans...


My body hurt. I had scars and cuts all up my arms and down my legs, blood dripping all over my room. My head was pounding and my heart was broken into a million pieces. I felt weak and dizzy; not eating since it happened.
My life was over. The one thing keeping me alive was gone. All I wanted to do was see him again. I want my Sammy back. That should've been me. Why am I still here?

(Jakes POV)

"Colby come out, you haven't eaten in days" I said, knocking on his door and receiving nothing but silence."Colby please"
"Colby open the damn door" Elton approached, banging on his door rather than knocking. "We already lost Sam, we can't lose you too" We had no response, so we decided that we would try again later.

After 3 hours

I walked up to his door, ready to knock, when I noticed a note on the floor. My heart dropped, expecting the worst. I quickly read the note, which said:

To whoevers reading this, I'm sorry. I couldn't take it any longer. Everything ached. I was in pain and it was unbearable. I tried to get help, I really did, but I just couldn't. I started cutting again. I promised him I wouldn't but he wasn't here anymore to make me stop. I wanted him to be though. I wanted his comfort. Then I remembered the pills in my drawer and thought about it. I thought about him. How I would be able to see him. Then I thought about you. How you would feel. You will be okay. You have eachother. I lost myself the day he died. I lost my other half. He was gone. I'm sorry to whoever found me. I didn't know who I was anymore. I couldn't take it any longer. I love you guys so much. Please don't ever forget that. Tell the fans that I'm sorry. Tell everyone that I'm sorry. Don't do what I did, never give up. Know it's for the better. I'll see you again soon, but until then, Onward and Upward...

- colby

My heart stopped as my knees gave in and I collapsed to the floor, letting out a gut wrenching sob. Elton and Corey came rushing over, asking me what was wrong. I passed Elton the note and he skimmed it as Corey wrapped his arms around me. Elton dropped the note and banged on Colbys door, screaming his name.
"COLBY! COLBY OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE COLBY! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!" he sobbed. I've never seen Elton cry before. He started to kick and punch the door, managing to get through once his knuckles were bloody and he was panting, out of breath. He rushed in as I looked through the doorway, seeing a pale body on the floor, blood running down its arms and an empty tub of pills in its hands. My head turned back to Corey's shoulder as he held me tighter, both sobbing in eachother arms to the sounds of Eltons screams, trying to revive Colby. He was gone. I knew he was. And I didn't blame him. All I knew is that they were both watching over us all, and that we will all see them again soon...

(Colbys POV)

I woke up in complete darkness, sitting up and looking around. I hear distant chatter and look in the direction it was coming from. I saw me and...SAM! I shot up to my feet and ran over. It was the memory of when we met. We were both sat on the curb at band camp, staring at the drummer girl. I moved closer to him as we spoke. Little did we know, in 10 years time, this is where we would end up. I felt the floor below me disappear as I fell through, landing on my feet in a river. I heard distant laughter again and realised where I was. This was the river me and Sam went to when he had an argument with his girlfriend. I wanted to cheer him up so I took him here. We splashed eachother and drowned eachother, laughing and smiling without a care in the world. I loved this moment. It held a special place in my heart. One that belonged to Sam. One that no one else could reach. The floor fell through again, this time I landed in my own room in the traphouse. But Sam was there, and so was myself. I had blood dripping down my arms and a razor on the floor beside me. My head was buried in my hands as I sobbed in Sam's arms. This was when he caught me. I promised him I would never do it again. I was scared. I was terrified that he would be mad. He wasn't. He just hugged me and wiped my tears. I fell asleep in his lap to the feeling of him running his fingers through my hair. This may be a sad memory, but it was my favourite. Sam was the sweetest person ever. He put everyone else before himself. He was struggling, especially when his grandma died, yet, he still held me in his arms as I sobbed for whatever reason. He still helped me. He still comforted me. He still made his stupid promises that he never broke. He still made jokes for me to laugh at. He still made sure I ate. He still made sure I showered. He still made sure I slept. He still told me how proud he was of me. Even if it meant that he couldn't help himself. He couldn't comfort himself. He couldn't make promises with himself that he could keep. He couldn't make himself laugh. He couldn't eat. He couldn't shower. He couldn't sleep. He never believed in himself. Because he cared about me. And he was the same for anyone else. He was so special to everyone. We all loved him, especially me. He was my brother, not by blood but by heart. He was everything to me. I loved him more then anything. I was so so grateful for him and I promised myself that one day I would repay him. I never could. The floor fell through once more, and everything disappeared...

I opened my eyes to be blinded by extremely bright light. Did it work? I hope it did. I sat up, looking around. It was dead silent and bright, not dark like the last place was. The silence was taken over by a distance voice. One that I could recognise. I stood up and looked around, wondering where the voice was coming from.
"Colby?" I hear it say and I look to my right. There he was. The blonde boy with bright blue eyes who saved my life. The one who helped me through everything even when he struggled to even get up in the morning. I broke down in tears, running into his arms as soon as I saw him.
"Sammy.." I cried out into his shoulder. He smelt and felt just the same as before. His hugs, just as more comforting as they were before. We both collapsed to the floor in eachothers arms, sobbing and squeezing eachother tightly.
"Colbs, what are you doing here?" He asked me, pulling away and wiping my tears, just like he did before, eventhough he had tears streaming down his face.
"You never woke up Sammy! You were gone and I couldn't take it anymore so I came to stay with you. I'm sorry!" I replied, pulling him back in for a hug.
"Oh Colby..." he sobbed even more. We just layed there, sobbing in eachothers arms, just like we used to. He was finally mine again. My Sammy was back. I had him in my arms. I never wanted to let go ever again. I loved him more than anything...

(Jakes POV)

After Colbys death, everything just fell apart. We would have argument after argument because we were just so done with everything. But then the nights would just be filled with sobbing in eachothers arms, forgetting about everything else that happened earlier in the day because we all knew we needed eachother. But eventually, things got worse. We lost Corey. Then that led to Elton jumping off a cliff. And it was just me. Alone with my thoughts and the memories of the traphouse. Until I couldn't take it any longer. I had lost myself...

"Jake?" I heard a voice say. It sounded distant but echoey at the same time. I opened my eyes, getting blinded by the bright light. I felt hands on me, sitting me up and voices, calling my name. Once my eyes adjusted, I realised that the one calling my name was none other than Samuel Golbach. In shock, I look beside him to see Colby. Then Elton, who was beside Corey. I just burst into tears at the sight of my best friends. We were finally reunited.
"S-sam" I stuttered through the sobs. He was here, not in the hospital bed, pale and dead, here, in my arms.
"I'm here Jakey" he said softly, holding me tightly and running his fingers through my hair like he used to do when I was sad. He would always be the person anyone would go to when they are feeling down. But what I now realise is that no one checked up on him. I realise how he always wore shirts and hoodies with long sleeves, how we wouldn't ever see him come down to eat, how he had large eye bags under his eyes, how his face was always paler then the rest of his body, how he was always out of breath from walking up the stairs, how he always seemed tired or not interested in anything that he used to enjoy. He was struggling, yet, like always, he put others first, and I knew he had no reason to hesitate.
"I'm sorry Sam, I was such a bad friend" I whispered to him through tears.
"It's okay, I had the same conversation with everyone else. Not noticing someone's mental health doesn't mean you're selfish, some people are just more conscious than others. People can simply just be really good at hiding it as well" he said with a giggle. I loved this guy. I loved these guys. We may all be dead, but at least we are dead together; sobbing in eachothers arms and comforting eachother through the hardships, just like Sam used to do for everyone else.
Thank you Sam..

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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