Chapter 1

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  You meet the one. You fall in love. He gets on one knee. You kiss beneath an alter and pledge a life to each other. You make a house a home and have many babies that look like the two of you. That's what I thought my life and marriage would be like.
  Today I meet the man I will call my husband and my unborn child will call father. Getting pregnant by a man who then runs off was not in my cards, but it happened. I still don't understand how I am going to learn to love a man I still have yet to meet. How will he love a child that isn't his?

  Ask any man and they will say all they want is a family to carry the name. How will this man get that if the child isn't his?

  I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by the train slowly coming to a stop. The whistle blowing loudly as people start to gather their belongings and exit. Looking to my right I grab my old blue suitcase carefully start walking down the aisle.

  Pushing my way through I am greeted with the train door and a smile from the man holding it open. Who am I meeting again? I haven't ever seen the couple that's supposed to be picking me and my things up from the train station. Let's hope they at least now what I look like from the photo the pastor sent in the mail.

Tumbling out of the train and landing my worn out heels on the ground I look up and see the smoke, the people, and the sky. Back in Boston the sky's only ever cloudy and smoke filled, but the sky here in Montana seems to stretch for miles over the hills and mountains.

"Lilian?" Looking back over to the street in front of me I see a young women who could only be in here early 30s holding a small child in her arms. Her skin is pale with freckles. Her black hair is messy and long, tied back in a braid done her back.

"Are you Lilian? Lilian McCree?" I hear her breathlessly say.

"Yes I am she."

"How good! We were worried we wouldn't know who to look for, but you look a good deal like your picture!" The excitement in her voice gets louder the more she talks.

"Well I'm glad you found me without any trouble. I don't want to be a pain." I softly smile back at her.

She leads me to a truck with a long bench seat in the front. An older man of maybe 40 sits in the drivers side. My things were already neatly tucked in the truck bed.

"This is my husband Fredrick." She says while opening the passenger door and climbing in.

"Oh just call me Fred nobody says that formal crap around here." His voice rugged and deep sounding a little scratchy.

The man I know as Fred drives us to the place I truly don't want to be going. The church. I usually am very fond of going to church. It's like a comfort, but today it starts something new, something scary.

The drive is down dirt roads, gravel roads, what I hope to be a road. Before we finally pull into a little white church tucked behind some trees.

The church is small with a cemetery out back and daisies planted out front. There was two other trucks parked outside the church. One of those is what will be my future husbands.

"Now don't be nervous, my brother isn't the most open person so you might have to dig a bit before he tells you everything. Just trust me, you will be great." Abigail places her hand on my arm and leads me up the stairs through the front doors.

From this moment on everything is about to change.

Under a Montana SkyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang