Chapter 2

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Walking through the big doors that open up the church, I felt my hands start to shake. I was beyond nervous for this moment. I use to think of my wedding day when I was little. Thinking about my gorgeous white dress and veil, walking down the aisle to the man I loved. Then spending a romantic night together and starting a new life.

  As of now most of that is already decided for me. I try to understand what why my father did this to me, but I can't seem to find a perfect reason.

  Shaken out of my thoughts I heard the sound of the pastors voice. "Well, I believe we should get this thing started, Lilian if you want to follow me." He gestures to a door and I begin to walk closer to it.

  I follow behind him as we walk into a room that looks to be an office. Papers all over the old oak desk. Big stained class windows to the side of the room with a bench in front of them.

  Moving my eyes to the bench I am met with two green eyes. Green eyes with a face of freckles. His messy black hair covers his forehead in soft curls and looks as though he's not cut it in a while. I watch as his eyes scan over me.

  He starts at my shoes and works his way up my blue flowered dress. I tried to make myself look presentable enough, with my hair pinned back and light curls falling down.

  "Will this is Lilian." I hear the pastors voice speak as Will moves from the bench over to me.

  "Please just call my Lily" I smile as I stick my hand out and he takes it. We do a handshake and I feel his sweaty palms. He must be nervous.

  "I will give you two a minute to get to know each other." The pastor says as he walks back out the door and shuts it.

  "Well, umm, how was the travel?" He finally speaks out. His voice seeming rough, with a lot of nervousness.

  "It really wasn't as bad as I expected it to be."

  "Well that's good, I was worried that it might be rough on you."

  "I'm tough enough I can handle a few hours on a train." I laugh out.

  "Yes, we'll I suppose you can." The silence falls upon us again. You could hear a pin drop.

  "We should tell pastor to get this started." He grabs his hat off the bench and opens the door for me. Walking out of the office we see Abigail and Fred. Abigail still trying to handle the little child not wanting to stand still.

  "It's getting late in the afternoon, let's start this." Will says to the pastor.

  We follow through the arch way down the long aisle lined with church pews. At the end pastor gets his bible out and a pen.

  Will and I stand in front of him looking nervous as ever. Will wears an old brown and white button up with suspenders on either side. His pants have some holes from what I'd guess is years of hard work.

  Before I know it it's over. Will didn't get rings so for now I don't have one. We sign our names on the marriage certificate, now proving I'm a married pregnant women. Like that helps the situation become all the better.

  "I hope you two will be ok tonight. I made you a dish so you won't have to cook for tonight." Abigail says as she passes me a square pan from the truck.

  "Oh, you really didn't have to do that for us" I smile back at her.

  "It's the least I can do, trust me I know how exhausting it is being pregnant and then had travels on top." I hear her say back to me, but I'm to focused on Will loading all my things in the back of the truck. I hope nothing broke.

  "Lilian we ought to get going." I hear his voice say from behind me.

I look over at him, holding the truck door open. I slide into my seat and set the dish on the floor by my feet. His truck looks old with dirt and other things thrown about.

We drive down mostly long dirt roads passing multiple houses. I'm starting to get more nervous wondering what his house may look like. Knowing he is a man that has very little decor style it's probably not the nicest place.

"I tried to clean things up for you. I hope you find the farm nice. You won't have to worry about any farm chores, just the house." His shaky voice lefts out. I look over at him, giving him a small smile to show him not to be nervous.

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