Chapter 3

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  Driving into the long driveway that leads to Will's home. Well my home now. I get even more nervous than before.

  "The house ain't much, it was my parents." Will says as he stops the truck in front.

  "I'm sure it's lovely." I smile back to him as he comes to open my door and take the small dish at my feet.

  "If you want to go in and look around you can. I will grab your things." I hear him say as runs over to open the old screen door. He hands me the dish and I walk inside.

  The floors are the first thing I notice. They are old and look in need to a good clean. The walls are a sad yellow color through the long hallway I am not standing in. There is a long stair case that leads to the second floor. I walk through the arch way to my left and find the kitchen.

The kitchen looks sad just like the rest of the house. Why does everything feel sad? The kitchen as a door that leads to the back and a round table in the middle.

"Like I said it's not all the much." I turn and see Will standing with the dish in his hands and a shy smile on his face.

"No, it's fine, I like it." I almost whisper out as I'm awe struck by the sight in front of me. Looking out the window above the sink are the prettiest pastures I've ever see . With a painted sunset across the sky.

"I will have to show you all the land tomorrow. For now let's eat, I bet your tired." Will says as he puts the small dish on the table and walks over to a shelf to grab plates.

I watch as he sets the table and makes me a plate.

"Thank you" I smile as he pulls my chair out for me.

"Abby is an amazing cook, so the food should be plenty good." I make eye contact with him and realize how handsome he actually is. He has a good smile that brightens up his face.

After eating Will cleans up. "Are you sure I can't help clean up?"

"No, no you just go look around more. I will show you your room once I'm done." He smiles at me.

I walk through the rest of the tiny house. The living room with very sparse furniture, the empty bedrooms.

"Follow me and I'll show you your room." He leads me up the stairs. There is only two doors up here.

"This is the main bedroom, so you can have it and I will take the downstairs one." He says while nervously putting his hands in and out of his pockets.

"I can take the other bedroom, this is your house after all."

"No no your the one carrying a baby. You deserve the bigger room. I don't need much."

  "Well thank you. You have been very kind." I smile politely at him.

  "You are my wife now, I've been taught to treat a lady with respect." A smile comes across his lips,  I can tell he is slightly nervous by the way his eyes are avoiding mine. "If you need anything I will be outside in the barn. I will be out there till late, don't wait up."

  He smiles before walking out and leaving the door open. I hear his steps as he walks down the stairs. I walk around my now room and see the old wooden furniture. A vanity with three drawers, a dresser with a pile of books stacked up on top. The bed has a mismatched quilt thrown over top, with different colors that seem to be pieced together.

  I start unpacking my things putting the very few dresses I own in the dresser or hanging them up. Taking out a picture frame I place it on the dresser. Me and my mother. We look so much alike, her hair the same dark brown as mine, with our brown eyes. I miss her more with each day, now more than ever with me being a mom in only a few months.

Changing into my night gown I wrap a robe around me and wander back down stairs looking for the bathroom. Last door at the end of the hall. I slowly go open the door and see how small it is. I turn and see the bath tub. Yes, a nice bath is all I need right now. I go to turn the knobs and all I'm left with is cold water. Well I am not bathing in that.

I try again to get hot water and it doesn't seem to work. Looking back out the bathroom door I look out to the front door.

Being left with the only choice, to go ask Will how to get hot water. I wrap my robe tighter around me, since the summer nights are starting to get a bit colder. I walk to the front door and slip on my shoes.

Walking down the front porch steps I slowly make my way to the barn. The barn has a little light shining through the two windows.

Arriving to the door I carefully knock on it and try to shove it open. Almost falling through the door I step in and see Will.

He is wearing not a single shirt. His bibs being the only thing on him. Grease and dirt caked all over his face and hands.

  I make my way back up to his eyes and see his green eyes through the grease that cover his freckles. He moves some hair off his forehead, "Is everything alright?"

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