#36 Scars

52 14 17

How do I animate your love into my reality,
how do I bring you from miles away, in front of me.
I miss the feeling of having you near and close,
where you'd unfold all sides of me, leaving me open.

Just with your eyes alone you could tell I was sad,
with my heartbeat alone you could tell I was enduring
it all, hiding behind a facade, I need to be enchanted
by you with love, with your trust and your hugs.

Help me shrug off my past, million things that weigh me down,
Erase them all and place yourself in the depths of my heart,
Burn my pulse like the notes of music in symphony,
Love how you cared for me not because of some sympathy,

but genuinely because you worried and cared,
the blurb of my life in these poems, I hide,
precision of these metaphors uncanny as they
show the scars that I deeply hid with my lies.

I know I am lame, I know there is no future
where I am healed of all scars that brought me down.
My thoughts nearly drive me nuts, but this pressure is
not nearly enough to burry me to the ends of the world.


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