#42 One Word

67 18 23

Nothing's everlasting,
I thought that we'd be
together even after
many years.
But look where we
stand now.
Different goals
got us separated.
Our ambition got us
moving cities,
and now we
don't even
talk anymore.

Is it ego?
Or is it just that
we are too busy
for each other now.
Even though
we still make
time for others,
Still go for hangouts,
party and everything.
But now how come
we're not at the forefront
of each other's mind?
What pushed us aside?

Even strangers would be
kinder than what
we are now
Strangled thoughts
got me choking up
in the middle of the night.
It's fascinating,
do we stand in
different realms?
Or are our feelings
just not the same?

Do you not feel
the depth of
my sorrows?
Do you not see
the tears
behind my smiles
and the weight
my eyes
Do you not see
me hiding behind
a facade?
Trying to keep
myself together,
afraid of
these lingering

Or are you
blind to the pain
that I am going
Did you know
that if one part
of body hurts,
the rest of it
can feel it too?
But how is it that
when my wings
are clipped
you don't feel
I can't even see
the love
in your eyes that
I used to see

Where is it gone?
Did you go and
give it to
somebody else?
Did you give
what's mine
and shared it
with another one?
While I had
all the claim
on it?
You're so baffling.

But I baffle myself more.
How can my heart
still flutter from
your captivating glances,
It's like a word from you
and I'd let go of
all the anger.
One word from you
and I'd be ready for you
to ruin me again.
One word from you
and I'd leave behind
my self respect.

But you never say
a word to me again.
Hence, all my emotions
are bottled up too.
I hope you don't
take too long,
else this bottle might
sink too far and deep
into the ocean
that you've created
through this


Words collected from:

15 WORDSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora