#40 Flower

63 19 26

I'll give you a bouquet of lavanders and roses.
Will you be the sunflower when I'm utterly hopeless?
Your love healed me through all of my pain.
You freed me off of my chains by showing me care.

Rid me of unnecessary thoughts, liberating me from myself.
The cage that was locking my potential, that was dragging me to hell-
Gone are all the days of misery and anguish, gone is despair.
To abandon my faith, I would never, you're my hope and my flare.

The light in the dark, the memory that I reminisce.
You're my reward, you always suffice.
In the corners of my heart, you're the passion that lives
in harmony with the chaos that I have been trying to resist.

You won me over with your beauty and your scent,
You're the flower that bloomed in the depths
of my soul, after the perfect love we shared over the summer evening .
You purged the darkness with your sweet kisses and gave me sweet meanings.


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