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Venba's pov

After some rituals I'm going to Agni's mansion ,yes mansion. I'm aware of my ex fiance's family background and.........

Let's not focused on this, his mother I mean gauri aunty did some rituals in her house for the arival of new daughter in law 'aka' me. After that we ate lunch it's around 7 in the Evening we went to his room

Once I entered, I'm aware of what he's gonna tell. Before him I started to talk by saying" I know that you are not interested in this marriage and I don't know about my ex fiance's whereabouts but, you don't have to more involved in this scene , I will not affect your daily activities, and you don't have to take responsible of me or be sympathise with my situation and I'm okay with this marriage. Whenever you are comfortable with me , We can talk (a little grin)". In one go *sigh*

He is literally shock and stunned by my long one go speech, after a minute I went to closet to change my saree , yeah my suitcase and things arrived afternoon .

I changed my clothes and didn't even look at him and fast went to down stairs ........

After the dinner I went my room, I'm not able to see in the room maybe in washroom, anyway it's 9:45 pm I took a pillow & a thick dupatta which I always carry , went to the couch to sleep likewise I drifted to sleep........

Agni's pov

I'm not able to understand her , because I thought she was very shy type so that I have to clarify the things but she said her situation clearly in one go .

I was literally shock and amused by her action , actually I personally impressed but that's not my business, now I'm cleared so I don't have to explain myself.. *sign*

I went to shower and got changed to my t-shirt and trouser , I came out from the closet and saw her sleeping in the couch , I saw her for a good minute after that I went to my bed and drifted to sleep

After two month....

Venba's pov

In this two month we had no conversation because he went to fucking business trip and it's second week of our second month of marriage and I'm fed up with his behaviour not even a call I received from him.

And I'm not expecting either, eventhough I may expect from him....

Suddenly I heard a car sound that was totally his , I don't know why I'm happy but as well as nervous a little, only a little bit not more than little.

He came in and take a glance at me while I was arranging the plates and other stuffs for breakfast.

Gauri aunty ask him fresh up and come to eat breakfast , he nodded his head and took a straight walk to our bedroom.

As usual we all are our breakfast and especially with him after two months of gap

While I'm helping aunty he ask me to come to his study room..

I knocked the door to enter, he ask me to come and I saw him sitting in office table , in front of him there was a envelope.

He handed me that envelope to open and I opened it , it was an divorce paper ...

He started talking it's the first time I'm hearing his voice and said "let's divorce"

That time my mind is not working and not able to process the situation

And he continued " I thought you accepted the marriage with my cousin because you also liked it , but you are in the situation that compelled you so I thought that I'll give you divorce so you can live your and my life peacefully , I hope you are happy with it "

It made my heart shattered into pieces , his speech made my soul crash, yes speech .

I gave him a speech to make him accept me but, his speech made me like I the one who want divorce * chuckle*

I didn't speak anything but just nodded and took a pen signed the paper .

Because we no I have the whole fucking twelve months , and I can make him to feeling something in me

Yeah that's challenge

Tomorrow onwards it's a festive week that's non other than Pongal festival I have lot of time to make him fall for me.....
How was the chapter??

Was it good ??

Will venba able to achieve her goal??

I hope you guys enjoy it 😁

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