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Rosalynne (Rose) - A sweet girl who has brown eyes and blonde hair, however, she's insecure and thinks of herself as low. Was a straight A student, but she ends up in the asylum because she accidentally started a fire in her school, her parents thought it was on purpose so they send her there whilst she was asleep, therefore making her innocent as she was put into the asylum wrongly. 

Olivia - The daring and more experienced one, longs to escape. She's been in the asylum for 2 years, knows the place from top to bottom. She's been waiting for her escape, planning each step carefully. She was put inside because she was a lonely kid and her adoptive parents thought she was getting nowhere in life with her lonliness. 

Inventor - Wants to brainwash others now that these teens are so vulnerable and are in his grasp, wishes for world peace but is clearly doing it wrong. Really unhappy with his own life so he wants to ruin others' lives and brainwash their memories etc.

Doctor Greg - Helps the Inventor of the asylum brainwash others, so they live a "harmonious life". Has been friends with Inventor for 34 years, doesn't enjoy disappointment.

Nurse Charlie - The good one, gives them a nice supplement of food and helped Olivia overcome her fear of people, leading her to what she is now. Also helps her in general. Friends with Olivia's biological  parents who desperately want her back and told them her whereabouts when she came to the institution... also takes good care of the other teens and gives them nice things. 

Nurse Annabelle - The one monitoring the cameras, let's just say her fate was bad. Inventor put her in the room because he thought she was the most irrelevant as her big nose and eyes stick out more than others. Is getting paid four figures so she keeps the job.

Doctor Bob - Also a good doctor, played a big role in Olivia's life to help her change it. Hates the Inventor and wants to get back at him for bullying him in high school.

Nurse Evelyn - Helping Inventor and Doctor Greg carry out their plan. Is being emotionally blackmailed into doing this and wants to change, but she can't.

Peter - The goody-two-shoes... was captured but he's in denial for some reason. His parents are friends with Inventor and told them they would "pick him up" but they never came back.

Saboteur - 👀


☆☆ yes this won't be very good as it's my first ever ff, and everything is flat out fantasy and fake, the plot will make sense as the story goes along, i promise... trust the process. any intimate scenes between characters defeats the whole purpose of the story as well as its plot, also i'm not comfortable writing that kind of stuff... and honestly i don't know where this story will go but hopefully you enjoy!☆☆ 


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