Chapter 1: Comply Or Die

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I was being dragged in by both legs as if I was getting sucked into a machine of some sort. This machine was leading to a room, a very spacious one... a bit too spacious to be exact. It scared me. My screams echoed across every hallway and everyone around me was covering their ears to my demonic voice. Suddenly, everything went to a blur.


A few hours later, I opened my eyes, rubbing both eyeballs harshly as I sat up in the same room I feared to go into. No windows, just a door. Interesting... I thought to myself. I held my hands in my head and buried my head into my knees, still feeling the aftermath of what had just happened, the screaming, the dragging...

When suddenly it hit me. I was not at home. I was not snuggled into my bed, reading. Neither was I playing alone with my cat. I was alone, in a room with no windows, I was with a sketchy looking camera anyone could spot from a mile away. I panicked and through that, I suddenly gained energy and ran to the door. I knocked as hard as I could, no one heard me. My bruised knuckles were the result of knocking so much.

"It's no use. I've tried everything too, just like you are  doing right now." A deep, raspy, but girly voice states which scared me so I lost my balance and stumbled on the floor. I thought I was alone. Apparently not.

"Sorry if I startled you. I guess you didn't see me there." The voice comes closer as I regain my balance and wipe off dust from my uncomfortable hospital-patient-looking uniform.

"What am I doing here? And who are you?" I needed answers, I didn't know how I ended up in a room with a girl I've never seen before. She looked the same age as me, however she was much prettier and more classy somehow, her blue eyes stood out along with her fair skin, her freckles embraced her face and her brown hair was long and silky. Her lips were heart-shaped however she had the most disgusted look on her face a I spoke.

"Ugh, no wonder you're here. No manners or greetings whatsoever, I was also like you when I first came too." She sighs as she files her nails. "I'm Olivia, thanks for asking..." she says with a sarcastic tone, her blue eyes were now facing me and judging me coldly. "You're in an institution for "problematic teenagers"" she says in a monotone voice, almost not surprised "and... I take it you were randomly taken away too... usually the doctors will examine you shortly after and put you in a different room when you're done with all the others, your turn hasn't come yet so we're going to have to stick together." She states. "Maybe it's fate," she mumbles but I didn't think I heard it correctly so I ignored it.

"The only thing I remember is being dragged across the hallway. Then everything was a blur. Why can't I remember anything else?" I slapped my head, denying reality, I'd seen these rooms on reality TV shows and I was traumatised of them and now I'm in one... I wanted to find something or somewhere to scream but I knew it was hopeless.

"Ah... my sweetie," Olivia goes back to filing her nails, "they insert an injection into you so you forget everything about your first examination. We've all been there, trust me. The doctors mix some anesthesia in some other chemical so you fall asleep you see."

"How do you know they mix anesthesia with whatever?" I asked in a curious tone.

"Well it didn't affect me very much and I do my research." Olivia states with a hint of attitude. I can't believe I they put me with her of all people now.

"... what about the camera? Can't they hear us right now?"

"You ask too many questions. The camera is there but at this time it turns off at 7:30pm, and turns back on at 9pm, and also turns off at 7am and turns back on at 8:30am, and before you ask, I may or may not have smuggled a watch into this room, I created this watch by myself so it couldn't be detected by metal detectors. It's currently 8:24pm, so we have 36 minutes left, so now, you're going to listen to what I have say to you." This sounded like gibberish to my brain and my brain had only processed the last sentence.

"I'll hear you out." I scoff, leaning on the back wall with my arms folded. Who does this girl think she is? She seemed so full of herself, yet so poised and elegant... of course I was going to be a pushover and listen to what she had to say, she seemed like she knew what she was doing.

"I want to escape from here, and you're going to help me." She demands.  "You'll do what I say when I say or else I will turn this on you and make it seem like you wanted to escape when you just got here, got it?" Olivia then puts her tiny finger in front of my face, she looked so intimidating but before I could speak my heart, my brain speaks instead.

"How do you know I can trust you?" The words blurted out of my mouth, as I removed her tiny finger from near my face.

"I know you want to get away too, and I have everything planned, all the connections, EVERYTHING. If you don't do this for me, I will do it for myself and trust me, I WILL turn this on you as a ploy to get me out of this room... away from you and back with my biological family, so you WILL comply or else I'll make you regret it and you will wish you were never born after I'm done with you." Damn. Olivia doesnt mess around when it comes to her choice of words. Her words sent a shiver down my spine as I replayed her series of threats in my head, making sure I heard correctly. I stared at her blankly, speechless.

"That's what I thought" she smiled, her cold eyes now shifting to examine the room.

I was still processing what was happening and how I got here when my thoughts were abruptly interrupted; "Phase one starts on Wednesday. Don't forget- ack, I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask your name." This was the first kind of nice thing she asked me since I got to my senses, she apologised too... how sweet... I thought sarcastically. 

"Rosalynne... you can call me Rose for short." My words shiver as I'm still feeling a bit lost.

"Got it... don't forget, Rose, if you don't comply, prepare to die."

She stated in 3 different ways that she was my only hope if I had a shot of getting out of here... I guess this is the reality. Escaping this place.

"It's 9pm." Olivia mutters, making sure the camera didn't hear her. She suddenly came very near to me. "I want to get to know you, Rose." She says as she flips her long hair back and walks off... this girl was weird.


◇author's note:◇

well... olivia seems bossy, doesn't she? is she good news or bad news?

trust me, everything will make sense soon... maybe not now but soon... 

i hope you enjoyed this first chapter... i want to write 30-40 chapters of this book hopefully but i will let you know the exact number when we get there ☆

thank you for reading ♡♡♡

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