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Standing in the small hallway to the front door I fought the urge to scream. This is not real, this can't be happening! If I am in some twisted time warp in the past, then I'm away from my Dad! He could wake up without me being there and be scared and confused. My job would be lost, Nadine will realize I'm not there and think I'm missing, and my actual apartment what will happen to that?!
Okay Lucy get it together this is happening and now we have to find a way out of this!
I'm pulled out of my spiraling thoughts to the sound of boots on the floor and a door clicking shut. The man, no Officer Meier is striding toward me from the bedroom he's now occupying.
My heart pounds in my chest so loud it's the only sound I can hear.
His mouth is moving and eyes are gazing directly into mine with intent and his expression turns from boredom to impatience.
"Wait sorry, what?" I ask realizing he's been speaking to me as he gestures toward the door.

"Ich muss zurück ins Büro. Machen Sie Platz, damit ich gehen kann."
I stare at him having no idea what the hell he just said. Hopefully it was nice I guess. Then it dawns on me I have no clue where I am, because there would not be Nazis in America in this time.

Seeing the confusion on my face he makes a deep growling sound in the back of his throat in annoyance.
He grabs my shoulders his hands large and warm, I suddenly wished I could feel them without the clothes in the way. Before I can even utter a complaint he has spun us around so he is by the door and I'm in the hallway.
He mutters something unintelligible under his breath, probably an insult.

"Auf Wiedersehen, Frau Winters." He tosses over his shoulder as he opens the door and leaves. I shake myself off needing to start figuring things out as I started making inventory of the apartment. Clearly I needed to do some shopping, I don't think this will be a quick process to get back home. First would have to be figuring out where I even shop, well there had to be a market in town if any of the historical books I read rang true.

History had always been a favorite of mine, but to be honest I'm not sure I'll figure this out easily. Rummaging in the kitchen I find a basket that would be perfect for carrying groceries home. I guess I'd just figure out what they had there at the market and just wing it on what I could make myself.
By some mercy I find money stashed in an old can in a cabinet and a ration booklet.
Okay I can do this, I can figure this out.
Pulling on my big girl panties, so to speak, I marched out of the apartment.


This was a bad idea, a really bad idea.
Why did I think it would be easy to come barter at a market!
Plus I had no fucking clue on using a ration packet. Though I had deduced we are in France some how.
At least I had figured out exactly where I was, a friendly woman selling eggs told me in very broken English that we were near Dijon, France.
Unable to speak or understand French I was limited to three vendors who could speak with me or had enough vocabulary and gestures that I could work with. After trying to get a loaf of bread for five minutes with a crotchety old man who didn't know a lick of English, I could of cried tears of joy when a woman my age sidled up to me smiling.

She began what seemed like a heated argument with the old man and when he gave her a loaf she triumphantly handed it to me.
"Here, Victor is such a beast. I couldn't help but to eavesdrop on your conversations, but you are an American?" She asked and I nodded quickly taking the bread and setting it inside my basket covering it with a cloth.

"Um yes I am American. Thank you for your help with getting the bread I don't speak a lick of French or German for that matter either." I laugh nervously and glance around noticing others watching and whispering to one another. Probably talking about me, the idiot American who just randomly came here and couldn't even converse with most of them.

Edelweiss: A Time Travel RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now