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A week had passed and I seemed to be fitting in well. Working for the Beaufort's had been a smart decision, Adele and Charles were both older and took on a grandparent role in my life. Adele was short and plump her dark hair peppered with grey, with green friendly eyes and face rosy cheeked and her husband Charles was average looking and of height with blonde hair receding on his head, but his blue eyes were bright and a smile always on his withered face.

Both had been helpful in my search of historical places nearby that could hold religious or spiritual significance. Adele was always in the know of gossip in town and Charles was an avid historian and stamp collector. I made sure to always be careful in how many questions I asked or what I asked not wanting to raise any suspicion about me.

The Officer named Bauer had not followed through on bringing me books and documents. I shouldn't be surprised by that but he had seemed genuine when we had spoken last.
I've only seen Officer Meier in passing at the apartment and he's never said more than a hello or muttered German phrase under his breath.

Thankfully I have been busy with work and not stuck with my own thoughts all the time. One thing I had decided on was that this surely has to be an Outlander situation, just find some important rock and slap that bitch! And bada-bing I would be right back home on the couch binge watching reality tv.

I look up from the scratch piece of paper I had been scrawling ideas on as the door opened and the bells clattered announcing the arrival of a customer.
"Good afternoon are you here for a photograph or picking up?" I asked and internally cringed at my customer service voice and smile. So far I was being accepted as the token dumb American who only knew English. Of course most of the clientele was German soldiers and they didn't need to understand me to try and flirt unabashedly.

I kept the smile plastered on my face watching the man come closer, I could tell it was an Officer but when he removed his cap and looked up I was surprised to see it was Officer Bauer.
"Forgive me Madam Winters for intruding on your work. I promised you research material and I am here to make well on that promise." He said smiling widely his pearly straight teeth on display as he came forward placing several books on the counter.
"I do hope you can forgive me for taking so long. Urgent matters called me away for a few days, and not willingly I might add."

Staring down at the books I couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of my answer lying in one of these books. I also felt a little fluttery with how intense this handsome man seemed to look at me.

Shit, why am I even feeling any type of way for Hitlers poster boy. I really need to get it together.

"Thanks for getting me this, i appreciate it. I wish you would have sent word so I could have met you somewhere else, it's not good for me to have you come here with what looks like gifts. I'll be seen in a not great light if you understand what I mean Oberluetnant Bauer." I say watching him closely and find myself clutching the books as if to try and stop him from ripping them away for saying such a thing. If this bothered him he doesn't show it but he does nod in agreement.

"I apologize Fräulein, my assistant had just given them to me as I was heading out for lunch and I figured I would drop them by myself. I would never want to be a cause of discomfort to you, please call me Wolf there is no need for formalities."

I wasn't exactly sure what to say so I thanked him again and promised to return the books as soon as I had finished.

"Take your time Fräulein and perhaps we could discuss your findings upon the return of the books. Bis bald." He responds giving me another dreamy smile and places his cap back before leaving.

I lean against the counter heavily and hear someone coming through the back. "Looks like you have an admirer Lucy. Although I would say you could have better company than a man like that." Charles spoke clearly as he came to stand beside me peering at the books, at least the books pleased him.
Adele bursts through the front door, well more like hobbles quickly, the bells clattering as she slams it shut. She's out of breath and pale as she clutches Charles and cries "The Boucher!"

Edelweiss: A Time Travel RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now