𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

Date: May 2024

Nixie's mind drifted to thoughts of Joe, as she sat at her desk, finding it hard to concentrate on work

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Nixie's mind drifted to thoughts of Joe, as she sat at her desk, finding it hard to concentrate on work.

Though they texted and talked frequently, she yearned for his physical presence, having not seen him all week due to his custodial time with his children.

She wasn't yet ready to meet them, unsure if it was too soon in their blossoming relationship.

A knock at her office door interrupted her daydreaming, and her assistant, Amina entered, a bouquet in hand.

"Your man sent you flowers," Amina said with a knowing smile.

Nixie's face lit up as she read the note attached, Joe missed her as much as she missed him.

Her assistant urged her to take the rest of the day off to go see him, but Nixie hesitated, not wanting to intrude on his family time.

Though she loved Joe deeply, meeting his kids felt like a big step, and she was unsure if the timing was right.

Her assistant challenged her reluctance, pushing her to leap. Before Nixie could contemplate further, she noticed her ex-boyfriend, Javon, standing behind her assistant, demanding to know who this new Joe was.

Nixie rolled her eyes, irritated by the sudden unwelcome appearance of her past love. It seemed decisions about the men in her life, both present and past, could no longer be avoided.

Amina looked at Nixie. "Do you want me to call security?" Amina asked Nixie.

"Nah, let me handle this, can you leave us alone," Nixie replied with a head shake.

Amina looked Javon up and down before walking out to Nixie's office.

Amina carefully looked Javon up and down with a scrutinizing gaze before walking out of Nixie's office, her heels clicking sharply against the tiled floor.

She whipped out her phone and quickly sent a text to Joe, warning him that Javon, Nixie's toxic ex who ruined their past relationship, had suddenly shown up.

Amina refused to stand by and let Javon slither his way back into Nixie's life again, especially now that she was finally happy and thriving in her new relationship with Joe. She knew Nixie deserved so much better. Joe instantly replied that he was on his way, ready to confront the situation.

Meanwhile, back in the office, Javon sat leisurely across from Nixie, arrogantly interrogating her about her new boyfriend Joe.

Nixie simply chuckled at his pathetic attempt to dig for information, stating bluntly that who she chose to date after ending things with Javon was none of his business.

After all, Javon himself had destroyed their prior relationship without a second thought. Trying to appeal to Nixie's emotions, Javon insisted he regretted his mistakes and wanted to rekindle their romance, even offering vain promises of marriage and the perfect life together.

Nixie saw right through his manipulations and immediately demanded he leave her office at once.

Though unsure why she had even allowed Javon in to begin with, Nixie refused to fall for his ploys again.

Still, Javon stubbornly remained, insisting no one could ever love Nixie the way he claimed to. As he approached her aggressively, Nixie defiantly kicked off her heels, ready to physically defend herself. She fiercely stated her certainty that Joe already loved her far better than Javon ever had.

Trying to plant seeds of doubt, Javon questioned if Joe knew everything about her. Flustered but standing her ground, Nixie refuted his mind games, until Javon pushed harder about whether Joe knew her medical condition.

Right then, Joe appeared at the door, overhearing Javon's remark and asking what secret Nixie needed to tell him.

Flashing a sly grin, Javon immediately spilled that Nixie had PCOS, attempting to cause issues in her new relationship. Furious at his betrayal, Nixie could only ask why Javon would do something so vindictive and cruel.

Nixie was livid with Javon. She could not believe that he had revealed to Joe that she had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that can make it difficult for some women to get pregnant.

Not only had he told Joe her private medical information, but then he dared to taunt Nixie about it.

Javon cruelly claimed that once Joe found out Nixie would likely struggle with fertility due to the PCOS, he would leave her and she would come crawling back to him.

This enraged Joe, who wanted to punch Javon right in his smug face. Joe grabbed Javon firmly by the shirt and told him in no uncertain terms to stay away from Nixie. He threatened that if he ever caught wind of Javon contacting her again in any way, Joe would beat him to a pulp.

Javon knew he was no physical match for the burly Joe, so he scurried away from Nixie's office with his tail between his legs.

Overwhelmed by the day's events, Nixie felt on the verge of tears. But Joe reassured her gently, "I don't understand what PCOS is or how it can affect fertility, but I do know there is no way I would ever leave you because of it." Relief washed over Nixie as she explained to Joe her PCOS diagnosis at age fourteen and what it meant for her fertility.

Joe enveloped her in a warm, comforting hug.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭Where stories live. Discover now