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They say life can change in the blink of an eye. A single moment, a fleeting second, and everything you once knew is turned upside down. If only I had been more aware, more perceptive, perhaps I could have seen the signs. Maybe then, I could have made different choices, avoided the path that led to my inevitable downfall. But hindsight is a cruel companion, offering nothing but useless 'maybes' in the face of harsh reality.

As I stand on the pavement of Victorian-era, I offer a wave to my Aunt Clara, who smiles back at me from the window of her sleek black Audi. Despite the passing years, Aunt Clara's beauty remains timeless, her hair cascading in perfect waves to frame her flawless features. Tall and slender, with an elegance that seems effortless, she exudes a grace that my eighteen year old ass only dream of possessing

I often find myself aspiring to be like her, not just in terms of her appearance, but also her determination and strong personality. Despite the heartbreak inflicted upon her by her deceitful husband, who betrayed her with her own best friend, Aunt Clara refuses to be defined by the actions of others. Instead, she rises from the ashes of betrayal with a newfound sense of purpose, channeling her energies into building her own empire.

Her business, Park Enterprises, started as a small venture but has grown exponentially under her guidance, becoming a symbol of her resilience and strength. Each day, her company flourishes, a testament to her dedication and relentless work ethic. And despite the challenges she has faced, I couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments.

"Show them what you got, valina!" she honks from behind the steering wheel.

"Aunt," I mutter, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment as I glance sideways, checking if anyone else might have overheard.

"Valentina. Just valentina at school," I remind her gently.

"But I like to call you valentina," she pouts, her phone suddenly ringing with a standard, professional melody. Her eyebrows furrow as she quickly checks the call before silencing it. "You'll be okay, petal?" she asks, turning her attention back to me.

I nod, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. "You didn't have to drive me and waste your time."

"Shut this bullshit," she dismisses my protest with a wave of her hand. "I wouldn't miss my Petal's first day in this huge-ass university." She gestures around us. "Freaking Imperial Academy, can you believe it?"

"I wouldn't have been here without you," I admit softly.

"Aw, stop it," she brushes off my gratitude with a smile. "I might have pulled a few strings, but if you didn't have the grades, you wouldn't be here."

And money. She conveniently forgets to mention the exorbitant cost and the sacrifices it took to get me admitted to this prestigious academy. Still, despite the weight of that knowledge, I can't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement bubbling up inside me, fueled by her infectious enthusiasm.

"My Petal, I'm gonna miss you!" she exclaims, opening her car door and swooping out to envelop me in a tight hug. I try to ignore the curious stares of passersby as I wrap my arms around her, inhaling the familiar scent of lavender lotion and Gucci perfume that clings to her.

As she pulls back, I notice the shimmer of unshed tears in her black eyes.

"Aunt...?" I start, my voice soft with concern.

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