🏰 In The Castle 🏰

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The siblings had arrived at their destination. The Unknown Haunted Princess's Castle! "Oof, that doesn't look like how I remember it...", said Hana in fright quite unexpectedly. Everyone stared at her like as if she was scary herself! "I...I...I meant about a picture I saw of this castle. Heh, yeah!", she nervously said. 

It was a dark castle, almost black (depending on how old it is), with cobwebs and cracks and holes. Lily screamed when she spotted a spider near the door. It was a HUGE castle indeed. Its large brown doors covered in dust. But as Rodrick looked closer, he spotted dark red smears! {It's...it's...BLOOD?!} he thought fearfully.

"Are you sure we want to go in there?", he nervously cried out. "Oh, don't YOU start now!", laughed Sally in an unkindly way. She walked towards the door and opened it. Both the doors moved to the side with a loud creak. Everyone went in and took out the torches. Sally was the first to turn hers on. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", she screamed (so loudly that others almost ran out of the castle :3)! Everyone noticed she was staring at the floor in terror. They pointed their torches in the floor's direction and knew why she screamed. There was blood everywhere and some parts of dead bodies too! The teens eyes widen. Especially Hana's (weird 0-0). Suddenly they heard a BANG!

They turned around and looked to see the doors closed!!! Lila turned the other way and screamed. Everyone stared at her. "I...I... I saw someone!!! It was a...g... girl! She wore a blue dress with red flowers. She had a broken tiara too! Holding...a....an...a... axe!", she stuttered with terror. She had tears in her eyes. Hana ran towards her and pulled her into a hug. "It's alright Lily! I promise I'll get you out of here. Please don't cry!" comforted Hana. Lily calmed down. But the others didn't! Rodrick noticed something about Hana. She was hiding something at this point. Why did she promise to get her younger sister out of there? She was the only one who had a little courage in her face...! "Well, well, well, Hana, you brought friends with you this time! More kills for me then. Haha!", came out a dark voice that filled the air making it even chillier than it already felt. "Who was that?! And weirder, why did that voice mention Hana?!", asked Vic in fright, he was completely white in the face. He wished he hadn't made quite a suggestion to come here. Dan was afraid. But not really. He already was into horror, and this one was no different (Eeeeee! *me fangirling Dan like hell even if he isn't real...*). Instead, he almost looked delighted!

"Hello...!", came the same cold voice in front of them. Everyone turned and started screaming (not Dan of course :3). It was just how Lily had described the 'girl' she had seen! Blue frock, red flowers, broken tiara, and blood EVERYWHERE on her. And worst of all, an axe covered in blood. "Everyone...RUN!! NOW!! Don't split up though!", cried out Hana. Everyone ran. "Follow me, I know this place!", said Hana. They followed her into a big room. The teenagers stopped and panted for breath. "Lower...your torch's brightness...everyone!", whispered Hana loud enough for the others to hear. Everyone obeyed. CLANK! BANG! CRASH! They heard noises coming close. "Shh, follow me...she's gone in the meantime.", whispered Hana. She sneaked forward without making a noise. The others followed doing the same thing. They walked up some stairs. Unfortunately, for them, Sally dropped her torch making a CLANG noise, before picking it up again. "D...Do you think she heard that?", Sally stuttered in fright. They heard a voice coming closer and closer. "OH YES, SHE DID! EVERYONE, RUN UP THE STAIRS! QUICK!", yelled Hana. The siblings ran upstairs as fast as they could, hearts pounding for their lives. They came across a room door, and they went in, closing the door shut.

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