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At home, the teenagers had to answer a lot of questions from their parents. "Where are the others?! And why are all of you covered and smeared in blood?!", cried out Charlotte, Hana's Mum.

The siblings looked at each other and sighed. "We went to The Unknown Haunted Princess's castle...", Vic said staring at the floor, not wanting to meet his parents' eyes. Charlotte gasped in horror. Dan explained everything that had happened. EVERYTHING, including Hana's backstory.

Charlotte had tears in her eyes, and she hugged John, Hana's Dad, tightly. "I'm sorry Charlotte, it's my fault for sending them alone without an adult.", whispered John sadly. He looked at his children. "Put your hands up for an answer, who gave the idea?", John seriously remarked. No one lifted their hands. "Well?", John said. Vic and Dan looked at each other. They faced their Dad and put their hands up.

"Ok, put them down.", Hana's Dad said firmly. His orders were obeyed. "Who encouraged the idea?", he said. Sally put her hands up, staring at the floor. She put her hand down again. "Very well, even though Lily didn't do anything, you all are grounded for a month and a half, it's the least you can do after your brother and sister's sacrifice.", remarked John. No one complained.

All Charlotte could do was cry.


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