5-Not like us

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I went to my room. All teared up and everything.but then something clicked.something inside of me. I didnt care of my fathers approval.i didnt care of being another classic clan leader. The only thing i cared about is to finish that mission the principal said something about.that way i can show that even without my fathers approval i can be a star. He didnt allow me to go on that mission. But who really gives a shit when the person who gives the rules disrespects you. Im gonna be the lone wolf of this clan. Im better than all these grandpas anyways.the only real person that cares about me is my mom. I wont scold her. This talk has got me sleepy. And so i went to sleep. As soon as i woke up i went to the principals. While i was walking i stumbled upon frank and EVA!?!?.WHAT IS SHE DOING TALKIN WITH MA BEST FRIEND.

"oh hey samek"-they both said

"You too are also going on that mission"

"Welp yeah"

"So umm samek i-iii want to apologize for my actions.can we be friends"-eva does the 👉👈

"Ok..." I say angrily

"Pls man dont get mad at her, shes a new person"

"Suuure. And the sky is red right?"

"Man just pls trust me"


We walked to school.got to the third floor
And knocked on the principals office.inside it we see all the usual posters and trophies but also a new  pet owl.

"Hello children.Your here for the mission right?"

"Yeah"-all of us

"So your mission is to investigate this abandoned restaurant for hunger spirits,theyve been reported a lot of deaths with no skin but only bones
And a green chunk on the bones."

"Ok "

"Your mission is to evacuate all people and exterminate the spirit if there is one.Got it"

"Got it"

And we headed to the restaurant inside we saw a fine dining experience.smelled like roses and peaches and looked like a mansion. We told were with the police and everyone must evacuate. Even the cooks and managers. They all did as told.we entered the kitchen and saw a sheer steel n silver sleek look. With all kinds of doo dads and thingamabobers.
We saw the cold storage room,the managers office and the normal storage.we decided  to split up.i went to the cold storage. Im hearing shivers in there. I BANGED OPEN THE DOOR. SAW A HUMAN


"Hi arent you supposed to be outside"-me

I approached the shivered man

"I couldnt get outsideeeee"-human

"Why does it look like you have a stroke"- me

I approached closer.and then i felt a stab wound on my liver


"Welcome i am the  fish spirit,i use a human bait same as the bait you use against usss.

And so the fight BEGINS

Samek kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now